If you're considering an upgrade from any one model to another, I want you to know that Stuart, and all at CS, make it a very pleasant experience. Not only will you not lose money on the deal, you will be pleasantly surprised.
With that said, our M150 arrived yesterday afternoon. The heat index was about 110 or so. Thus we elected to wait until late tonight to unpack and set it up.
Late last night, Jan dropped an ashtray on our patio, and it shattered. As she was sweeping the shards, she got down and then noticed there was no bottom on the packing...just a box cover that was strapped to a skid with raised sides.
This afternoon I cut the shipping straps, lifted the box cover, took a hammer and pounded on one of the raised skid sides to remove it, and rolled the M150 off the skid.
CS should be commended on their user friendly packaging methods.
BTW, this is one kewl puppy of a cooker. Set the temp; set the time; set the holding temp; press start and you're on your way.
The display constantly switches between the pit temp (at about mid height) and the time left to cook.
Regards, Mike
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