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I bet I read SmokinOkies guide on brisket 4 or 5 times, and got ready to prepare my brisket. It is worthy to note we buy half beefs, so i pulled one of the 2 briskets I received from the locker. It was relatively small (5 pounds) and there was hardly any fat on it (I cut out the hard fat). Cooked it to about 187* and while it was tasty, I found it to be a bit more dry than I thought it should be. So my question is this (my other brisket is also similar), what is the best way to keep a trimmed brisket moist and tender when there is little fat to work with?
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Interesting point Mr. T. I've never attempted to lard or bard a brisket. For those who don't know, barding involves a "V" shaped needle to insert fat or suet internally. Either way, it couldn't hurt to try. Larding with a 1/4" of fat (or suet) would be the easier way to go. I would also use a phosphate based injection.

In an earlier post this week I commented on a flat that I intentionally didn't foil. I found that it actually helped keep the meat juicier.

One final suggestion, use a probe vs a specific temp to determine doneness. 187 may be too much on one flat, while not enough on another.

My .02
Mr. T:
I will have to look into these two methods. We could cut the brisket with a fork, so, all in all, things could have been much worse.

With the larding crisco or something along the outside of the brisket? on both sides or on the fattiest side? as for the probe vs temp thing. I was going for 190 , but after looking at the brisket and the temperature I decided to FTC it.
The brisket stayed warm for about 3 hours in the cooler. When I opened the foil there was little to nothing in the way of juices.
I should have explained a little more. Larding is actually sewing strips of fat throughout the meat by use of a larding needle. Barding is laying strips of fat on the top of meat while cooking. You may season the lard or fat to your liking. I am certain you can purchase larding needles on the net. I will bard venison or elk at times. My larding needle was my fathers and must be close to one hundred years old.
Ditto MaxQue, I’ve been Smoking, pickling, curing and fermenting for over fifty years on and off. Had all kinds of smokers from home made walk inns to Little Chiefs. Best money I ever spent was on a Ameri Que over three years ago. I have used it year round smoking almost everything you can think of. Example, my neighbors just brought me six pounds of Cheeze-It’s to smoke for them, my friends love them. Been on the forum a few months now and what a good bunch to trade techniques with. Although there are no competitions around here, I enjoy the chatter about them. My judges are my wife, friends and customers, when I work. If I can look outside and see smoke coming out of something, I’m a happy man.
I'm no expert and it is always fun to try out different tecniques,but I think if had to to give that much effort to cook a five lb lean roast,I'd cook something else.

It sounds like it cooked tender and another few degrees internal may have given the juice you needed.Like Max says,the probe and a good rest period rarely lie.
Unless it is just not a good hunk of meat.

Just my $0.02

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