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I am trying to put together some information on how much people are spending on competition rigs.

I realize that the range is wide: from a smoker and a pickup truck to RV's and fancy trailers.

I just want to know how much you think you have invested in the basics that you use to prep, cook, and clean up.

Your answers are completely anonymous. The system does not keep track of who votes.

Thanks in advance!
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Well,like you said,it is starting to look like NASCAR with all the rigs at contests.

I guess the poll is about us individually?

A young guy that only cooks a couple times a year ,less than 100 miles from home,knows how to use all throw away materials,has a WSM and a small Weber kettle could easily operate on less than $1,000.

Even with an FEC,he could easily be under $5,000.
well we started off with a 14 ft enclosed trailer with a brand new Chevy heavy duty truck, after the small things flooring some shelves and such in the trailer and now a new fec100 ( started with a large spicewine) we also use a 10x20 canopy

did we need all this no, but sure did help on first comp when it rained the first day.
When I was growing up we raced moto-cross every weekend. Cook-offs may seem expensive at first until you get set up for it. While racing I also learned that if you are running on a Yamaha as fast as you can and still get passed by a Honda every race. It's only a matter of time before your riding a Honda. That's partly why we will be using an FEC 100 this season!!!!
Hard a real good friend, Stuart, loan a trailer for the first year. Something like that would work.

I think a small open trailer, with a 1 or 2 FE option, sink and a few other options would fill a void. I think the option route allows for it to start at the low end of where you're at, and go higher.

Additional options would include electrical (batteries, charger, inverter). Water/waste water.

Would you go ahead and put a roof on it??

TN PIT, I'm going to be tied up with a Scouting event the Seveirville weekend. But say hi to a buddy of mine there Steve O. He has been in charge of taking care of the comp teams. I will be able to come in 09, got it on the calenadar already. But I am going to try and make it down to the one in your town There at Cookeville. Have you done it? Are you going to Lenoir City??

Donna,a good question might also be what all you buy and haul with you,because you MIGHT need it.

The cooks are so good,and hundredths of points can decide wins,so you are "afraid" not to have everything.

Probably the more important part of our learning curve, now,is how the good experienced folks judge what they can live without.

Over a couple years,you can have thousands of dollars in "maybe must haves" and that much more expensive gear to store and haul it. Eeker

Just a thought.
This just came to mind. My first cook-off was in Cookeville, where we live. It took me two trips to get all the STUFF that I thought I would need. Didn't come in last place and didn't use half the STUFF I took. About freaked when loading for the first road trip. Had to really decide what I had to have and what I didn't need. Now practice at home helps narrow down whats packed in the truck. It all goes back to "consistancy". If it don't work at home, it won't work at a compitition. I guess that the practice time and expense counts toward what Donna asked about. By the way a week of my vacation is going to a week at Boxwell Scout camp in June. ASM Troop 72.
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