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I bought two 11 pound Costco boneless pork shoulders for a New Years eve party tomorrow night. I have read several threads about cooking time and temp. I know that "it is done when it is done," but I want to guage the cooking time for the party. I was planning on cooking at 225*. Some say as little as 1 1/4 hour per pound and some say over 2 hours per pound. I would love some suggestions to decide if I should put them in tonight or tomorrow morning as I want to serve around 9:30 pm tomorrow night.
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I have never had a pork butt take 1.25 hrs to cook. Mine always exceed 1.5 hrs/lb. I would plan on the 11 pounders taking about 18 hrs at 225*.

I'd start them at 12 pm the night before at 200* then kick the temp up to 225-235* when you wake up. You can adjust temp towards the end of the smoke depending on how it's going so that they finish when you prefer. If done early, FTC to hold them.
Ok. New problem. It's 9 pm and I just opened the cryovac of the 11 pound shoulder. Basically, 2 large pieces came out unconnected. I am assuming one is the picnic and one is the butt, but I don't really know. So they are each about 5.5 pounds (since I had bought 2, I now have four 5.5 pieces of meat, presumably 2 butts and 2 picnics). So do I now use 5.5 pounds for the weight multiplied by how ever many hours per pound is suggested? Help!!!
Pags, I just read the "baby butt" thread, where you suggested 1.5 hours/pound and then FTC for 90 minutes. I think that's a great idea, so I am going to figure that these 4 butts are 5.5 pounds each so that would be a little over 8 hours of cook time, but I am going allow 9. If they are done earlier, I will FTC them longer and if they take longer, I will FTC them for less time. Sound good?
Thanks for all of the advice. They turned out great! They took 10 hours at 225. The temp probe read around 196 and it went in like butter. The pork was falling apart coming out of the smoker (I had rubbed with Cookshack rib rub and used hickory and apple wood). I FTC'd for 90 minutes and served with several sauces, including Smokin Oakies (which was the best in my opinion) on hamburger buns with homemade coleslaw. It was moist and got rave reviews ("Best Q ever!"). Happy New Year to all.
This is almost exactly what I am doing tonight. If drcue could tell me if he rotated the PB's midway through or if you left them the way you started them? Also how many times did you open the door? I plan on polder in a small butt and one in the larger butt. Starting at 225 at midnight and shooting for 15 hrs or so waiting for it to reach 205. FTC and serving around 5pm.
When I do butts, I don't rotate them. Nor do I peek, just watch the temp on the probe til it get's close to 195 or so, then open and check for doneness. Mine have usually taken between 12-14 hours.

BTW, don't be surprised if the temp get's stuck around 170 for hours, it may even go down. Butts & brisket can plateau for hours. Don't worry about it.

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