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I'm no beginner at smoking, but I am a beginner with CS and with chicken, this being my first cooked chicken, other than by direct grilling.

Thus, with the same trepidation that a beginner might feel his first time out, I prepared a bag of thawed boneless, skinless, injected with something or another, chicken breasts.

As Tom and Smokin' advised, I soaked them for several hours in Wishbone Italian Dressing, patted them dry, rubbed them with CS Chicken Rub, and put them in the CS with a temp probe inserted in a breast on each of two shelves.

As advised, I took them off at 160, immediatedly double-wrapped in foil, and set on the counter for about 45 minutes.

Unwrapped them, pulled them apart with two forks and served the platter full of shredded chicken.

Frankly, I was surprised at how good these ungodly things that pass for chicken breasts can taste. Smoky, juicy...quite flavorful.

Can only imagine how good this might have turned out were I using fresh chickens with skin on.

This goes to prove the anti-thesis of what most every web-based Qer says: Sometimes it isn't the cook, it's the cooker.

Every time out with the CS, I'm more and more impressed with it's abilities.

Regards, Mike
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