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You're right. The problem was I had to chunk it in there & run, so I really couldn't hang out long & wait for the experts. To top it all off, I knew in my heart of hearts that yall would say cram it in there & crank it up. It was a pure moment of weakness & I'll try to do better in the future.

From now on, when in doubt, I'll do it the cowboy way.
Just a thought, but since the question comes up occassionally, worth my 3 cents.

Don't worry, just smoke it.

Just throw it in and smoke. So WHAT if it touches the sides? The smoker is seasoned and it will be fine. It certainly shrinks up as you smoke and will pull back from the walls.

Like ribs. It's nice if you can expose all of them to smoke, but if they touch a little or overlap so you can do two more, go for it.

Only technique change I do is when I put a lot in the smoke, I try to rotate the meat so it gets to the smoke eventually.


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