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I fired her up yesterday around 11:30 AM to cook six slabs of competition SL ribs for my neighbor. Took them off around 430 PM and left the FEC on since I picked up a chuck roll at Sam's on Friday. An 18+ pounder. Threw it in and let it cook all night. Took it off this morning about 930 and threw in the trimmings from the spares to cook them. Just took them off a few minutes ago and turned off the FEC after 24 hours +. I have to also say that I started with 20 lbs. of pellets in the hopper yesterday and still have 2-3 lbs left.

This smoker is fantastic!!!.
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The chuck roll came out very nice. Nicely moist and lots of liquid in the foil that I wrapped it in at 165. After defatting the liquid, I put it in with the chopped/pulled beef. While I am not particularly a beef person when it comes to BBQ, I had to say that this was pretty good. I shared it with some friends last night for dinner and vacummed the rest to give to my customers to try out and tell me what they think.

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