There has been a spate of inappropriate posts. Some have been adult oriented and resulted in an immediate ban. Some links are just not remotely related to bbq/smoking . I will delete a link on the first occurance and/or ban the poster for plagiarism..
A repeat foreign language link, not to mention gaming and other non bbq/smoking links will result in a ban.
If someone wants to post about a piece of related gear - grinder, stuffer, knife for prep and slicing, experience with vacuum sealing etc fine. But posts/comments other than bbq/smoking related or complimentary posts will be deleted.
Additionally parroting or plagerizing someone else’s posts just to get notice (this is not Facebook, X, or whatever) will get a deletion or ban or both. A quote is fine when posting a reply or asking for further info. I am seeing a lot of this lately and have taken action.