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I own an 055 with a dial. At the time I bought it, the Amerique was just coming out. I was leery of having a probe and electronics that could go bad or give problems. So I ordered the 055 and have been happy with it. That was 6 years ago and although there have been problems with the controllers, I don't think they are a major issue.

The big thing about dial vs. digital is that the digital units will go up to 300 deg and maybe higher. That's my only complaint about the dial unit... it is limited to 250.

Ya pays your money and ya takes your choice. Cool
I don't think it matters a ton, if you're worried about the $$$ difference being the reason.

The difference is variability in the temps and how it controls them, but the dials have been in units for years and it will still make great Q.

With electronics you can set the temp, you can get a probe and cook based upon the probe temp.

For me, I only use a couple of temps anyway.

So I won't push you one direction or the other, just say you'll be happy with either one. Sorry, not much help, but I didn't want you worrying if you bought the dial version.
Good thoughts above and they apply to different reasons.

When we all had dials and cooked with a couple temps,we just figured that was the average that it should run over the life of the cook.

Then we moved on to cooking techniques.

When the digitals came about,our discussions seemed to become more about the variations in numerical settings,what was wrong,why,how do we fix the setting and how many degrees it was off.

A lot less discussion about cooking the product?

Just a couple of thoughts.
A good cook will be able to produce fine Que on either product, so it's really a matter of buying one and learning how to use it, which you've come to the right sight for that.

The digital ones will have the 300* capacity, where as the knobs will go to 250* or somewhere in that neighborhood. Neither will get you crisp skin on chicken.

As Qnorth say's, "it's your money"!
Another thing to look at is capacity/grate size...

The "dial" SM009 has three racks 14x14

The SM025 has 2 two racks but they are 14x18 while the SMO45 has 3 that are 14x 18

I know the OP was talking about controller specifically, but capacity and rack sizes do come into play as well as max temp etc.

They are all great smokers... you cant really go wrong.

My answer is buy the most you can buy, that will pass approval by your significant other... Smiler


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