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I have smoked 2 butts in my 08 and used 8 0z(recommended max). My question is if I smoke 3 should I add more wood after initial smoke stops?? Does anyone add more wood during smokes of even 1 butt? How much smoke can a butt take? I know this is personal preference, just wondering what others do. Thanks.
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8 oz is HEAVY smoke in a CS. That butt is already taking a lot and around the forum, very few will ever use that much...


It's a personal preference, taste it. Does it need more, you decide.

More meat in a CS smoker doesn't mean more wood needed. I haven't found anyone saying adding meat affected the amount of smoke, as it circulates all around.

And yes, you can always add more wood at anytime, but REMEMBER the wood box will be extremely hot

Make sure your wood is placed towards the front of the woodbox where it's hotter. I place my wood so it's right at the edge of the holes upfront.

Also, according to Cookshack, move your heating element upwards so it just touches the woodbox. You, also, can preheat the smoker and place the product in once the smoke starts.

It's your second post, so I'm assuming your smoker will get more seasoning with use. All these things should help.
Tom- I always use Hickory for butts and it is never more than a year old(bought from wood suppliers). You might be right about the desensitization.

Pags- I get a full burn of the wood in the box and I can see when i would have to add more from watching the stack.

I've had my 08 for about 6 years so it is quite seasoned.

I think Tom is right and I should not add more wood when cooking for a gathering since it might overload non afficionados.

Thanks for the insight!!!!

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