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Was the ribeye prime or choice, that will make a different also?

Give it a shot if you want, but for me, I wouldn't recommend trying it. While Chris' artcile is good, the potential for having a food safety issue is pretty big. Can't do it in a home fridge that the door is opened 40 times a day. The humidity and temp are next to impossible to maintain at home, certainly not in a home fridge that the door gets opened.

Try wet aging. A lot of the places now are going to wet aging. You buy it in the original cryovac.

I have a fridge for JUST my contest meats, I put it in the bottom and the temp is around 36 to 38 constant. You HAVE to stay below 40 degrees.

Also, with dry aging, there will be waste as you have to cut off the crusty/dry outside part.
The cryovac bag is wet aging??

Dry aging is when the meat is allowed to have exposure to the air. The cryovac cuts off the air which allows the meat to begin to dryout. That's part of the aging process in the meat lockers. The meat which is allowed to air dry, and it will loose weight from moisture loss.

With this method, it would be the same as what Smokin is suggesting. Just leave the meat in the cryovac bag. It does make a difference in the flavor of steaks.

Alton Brown on the Food Network did a show on dry-aging in the refrigerator. I tried it once and you really do lose a lot of moisture (Yield).

My advice would be to buy a cryovac whole rib roast and wet age it in the packer cryovac until just befor the expiration date.

Most grocery stores put out meat than has a week or less aging on it, and it can stay safe in thr cryovac for several weeks as the fibers begin to break down and become tender.

Good luck!
The problem with bagging something after it's been exposed to air is those nasty little microbes have another chance to get in. A cryovac was sealed and never opened (although I've had a few leak)

But a special bag sounds like a gimmic to me, you're taking food that has already "sat out" in plastic wrap for an undefined period of time. Aging involves knowing exact things, like kill date, hold temps, etc. I learned a lot from a Meat Man who ages in K.C for a lot of restaurants.

I'm just not convinced about trying to do something other than 100% right when you're talking food.

Dry aging is hard, hard to do, even with Alton's Method (who I believe knows a lot of his stuff) but the average home user will have issues

Wet aging is much less prone to food risk IF you can keep the temp low enough.

Don't do it if you refrigreator gets above 38/39 degrees, and I'll bet most of you don't have a therm on your fridge. I do. And the alarm is set to go off at 38.

Bottom line, if you want to experiment, go ahead.
I bought these bags and used my friends vacuum sealer to seal this bag. It heat sealed pretty easily. I followed their directions on the site.
I have a striploin aging in my fridge. It looks impressive, the meat has darkened and already hardened on the outside. Haven't cut into it yet, its been 5 days, I will go for 14 days for now. These guys recommend 14-21 days. I will try to keep this board updated on the progress.
I love trying out new things.
where are you storing them? Are you monitoring the temp in the fridge?

I personally wouldn't age something that was cut by a butcher, put in plastic wrap and then on the counter. You have ZERO knowledge of it's kill date. A very important thing to know is what the kill date was. Meat will only age to a point. If you get it well after the kill date, then you're risking a lot.
Last edited by Former Member
I've tried the Drybags after hearing from them from a colleague who worked with them through a test study.

Although it defies the imagination, the meat does really dry inside the bag--and dry beautifully cleanly with lots less waste when it's time to trim.

Dry-aged beef has become almost impossible to buy in my area, so I'm glad to have a way to do it safely at home. I make sure that I ask my butcher what date's on the Cry-o-Vac he cracks the loin out of and I make sure it has as much fat on it as possible. The pieces age clean and smooth, and without the depth of aging (and necessary wasted trim) that I had when I tried various ways of open-air aging.

If you're interested, check out the drybagsteak folks.
OK guys I'll do it.

I'm gonna buy some of these bags and give'em a whirl. I'll post my results......if I'm still able to function. Big Grin

Although I may be stopped in my tracks right off the bat if my regular foodsaver doesn't work. I ain't buyin' another sealer just fer these thangs. So I might have fresh steaks in a couple days or dry aged death steaks in a month. We'll see. LOL!
Originally posted by Wheelz:
Crony -- From the website FAQs:


We recommend Sinbo "Keep Fresh" Vacuum Sealer. Take care in choosing your sealer. You cannot use a channel-type or Foodsaver-type sealer with Drybags . It must be a retractable snorkel-type or chamber sealer."

Yep, I know bud. I was going to get them anyway, but held my finger over the left click on the last step of the order.

So, I'll have to ponder whether this science experiment is worth spending 150 bucks on for a little while longer. Perhaps after I get back from the beach in mid April.

....or could just wait for steakman's results Big Grin
Hey--I tried the bags and they worked like magic. A beautiful deep red surface hardened up in the first week and stayed really clean looking. The piece had lost so much moisture after about twelve days, I peeled off the Drybag at fourteen days (feared I'd have jerky if I waited the whole 21 days!!). The trim was easy--even and not too deep. I was amazed how much meat there was inside. Gorgeous steaks--and indescribable flavor. I had just bought a six pound piece of choice boneless ribeye, but got eight nice steaks out of it.
For the record, the bags don't have that embossed sort of pattern that the Foodsaver bags have. I got a sealer because I didn't have one and can easily find other ways to put it to use, but I can imagine the bags wouldn't work without something to create an opening--which most Foodsavers don't have, right?
Anyway, I'm here to tell you I not only survived but thrived my first aging experiment with the Drybags. Working on a big New York strip for Easter (not all of us like ham!!)
Hello, Wheelz.
Just got around to poking my nose back in. Looking for ideas about smoking salmon.
I only have a pic of my Drybagsteak end product--it was so surprisingly firm and compact, I thought I had a block of jerky--but after the trim, it was like meat candy. Hope this helps. The website has better pictures of the process. Will try to take pics next time around.


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Wow, I tried the drybags and its pretty neat. The dry aged ribeye looked like bresaola from the outside. I steaked it out and it had a rich color on the inside, picture perfect. I cooked it on a frying pan, since my grill was not ready for the season. The steaks had good dry aged flavor and really tender bite.
I think its important to get a good vacuum seal on them and make sure the place them on a wire rack in the fridge so that the moisture can get out.
Originally posted by Wheelz:
Cool! Did you use the recommended "Sinbo" vacuum sealer?

Howdy. I'm still having fun with the DrybagSteak experiments. And, yes, I did get the Sinbo. I tried a friend's FoodSaver but it was so "fool proof" that we couldn't get it to work with the Drybags. They are of a much softer material than the tough FoodSaver bags and the machine wouldn't respond. Beautiful machine though, those FoodSavers. The Sinbo is much more basic, but kind of like the difference between garlic salt and good old garlic and a pinch of sea salt--much more versitile. I'm aging a few pounds of standing rib roast now--carefully. In order for the Drybags to work, I guess, they are pretty thin, so I made sure the bones didn't touch the rack when I started aging. Gotta protect that all important vacuum. The Sinbo (and the free vacuum bags that came with it) helped me seal up a half dozen of the New York Strips I got off the Costco strip loin I aged for 21 days last month. Kind of getting the hang of both the Drybags and the Sinbo, I guess. Hope that helps.
Hey guys I got some pics for you of the steaks I aged.
I only got two steaks out of this little piece of ribeye as this was my first attempt at it. I used a little piece just in case things didn't go accordimg to plan, but they really did.
I since aged a whole ribeye for my sons grad party, man was evryone impressed, or maybe they were telling me that just to stroke my ego


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My issue with this method is that the website makes NO notice of food safety. I find that actually to be a serious point they don't address. Most home fridges will be opened and closed and do not stay below 40 degrees all the time.

I learned a lot from Mr. Scavuzzo, who sells more aged beef in KC than anyone and temp is a KEY issue to consider.

It's an interesting concept, but I'm a little more cautious of people just trying it.

Appreciate the reports.
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:
My issue with this method is that the website makes NO notice of food safety. I find that actually to be a serious point they don't address. Most home fridges will be opened and closed and do not stay below 40 degrees all the time.

I learned a lot from Mr. Scavuzzo, who sells more aged beef in KC than anyone and temp is a KEY issue to consider.

It's an interesting concept, but I'm a little more cautious of people just trying it.

Appreciate the reports.

I agree about the food safety. Like you I have a separate fridge that rarely gets opened and a therm hanging from a shelf. Old restaurant habits die hard.

The site did supply links to independent tests of properly aged beef showing relative bacteria and mold levels between steak bags aged beef and conventional aged beef.

I would have concerns about aging a such a small piece of beef as steakman showed. I wouldn't go below 8# as a starting weight if I could avoid it.

My big ribeye comes off next Monday and I'll be curious to see how much it weighs. Right now it's looking real good.
Originally posted by Todd G.:
The site did supply links to independent tests of properly aged beef showing relative bacteria and mold levels between steak bags aged beef and conventional aged beef.

And I'll BET that they didn't do them in a home fridge, but one in their controlled environment.
Well, I think of it this way: If I keep milk in my fridge and it doesn't spoil in 2 weeks, the meat should be OK. Also I did measure the temp in there and it was 35F, of course I open the door to get things, but in general it stays around 35. I have kept a cryovaced rack of ribs in there before for 3 weeks with no problems.
Well, in this forum I'll make sure everyone knows about Food Safety, so they can be educated.

What you chose to do on your own is certainly up to you. My point is that the average public who visits that site, doesn't know about temp and food safety. Here at least we tell people what to watch for and be aware of. Then make you own decisions. I think it's irresponsible for a company to market a product, about aging beef, and not do that. Just my opinion.

Also, from a Food Safety standpoint, about Ribs. If you kept a cryovaced rack of ribs for 3 weeks, you're lucky. If it had a 3 week sell by date, that's pretty long. I certainly wouldn't keep pork that long, it doesn't age and spoils quickly. But your 35F fridge saved you.
I agree with Smokin. Whether the site talks about it or not it is important that SOMEBODY talks about food safety and give the consumer a chance to make an educated decision.

I will most likely make the double purchase of a sealer and bags to give it a whirl. But I ain't got kids to orphan. Wink
I have been there,done that,but I'm certainly no expert.

But,this certainly ain't my first rodeo. Wink

Now,I come from raising/feeding,and having hung my own prime beef for many years.

My family did it long before us.

Our boys are cattle breeders/raisers on a pretty fair scale.

Covers some counties.

Have several friends that have custom cutting houses,drying plants,etc.

Some more in restaurants,that age their own beef.

Probably through friends in bbq,ordering high end comp meats,etc,I have become more involved in care of meats and doing every trick to get the best .

The team has been known to get a $250 + shipping bill for four pork butts. Eeker

I'm just not sure all of us need to be involved in some of this,except "we have to try it once".

Jim Minion,a member,had Merle Ellis?-the foremost authority in home aging,as a guest and pro instructor out in the NW.

Jim recommends almost all of us stay away from this.

Don't ask how I know this. Red Face

If we are ONLY considering a vac pac and bags,then ask the members here,some of them have done commercial for many years.

My teammate, Ribdog,is one.

I'm kinda wondering if steakman and BBQqueen might know each other ,or have some particular connection.

Nothing wrong with that,but I know a bunch of folks around the circuit and never seem to have seen the names ,or posts,pop up before.

Just my $0.02

Just curious.
Last edited by tom
I've got a big ribeye coming out in 4 days I think. I'm single, so I'll try it and let you know how it tastes. If it's really bad, well, it's been nice knowing you'all. If it's good, I'll report that too. But I do have a dedicated fridge with a therm hanging from the shelf, and it only gets opened about once a day at most, recently just to look at the rib.

I thought the test information linked to their site was informative, but like SmokinOkie has pointed out, it didn't say what type of cooler was being used or give a lot of other details.
Originally posted by redoakNC:
Originally posted by Todd G.:
I've got a big ribeye coming out in 4 days I think...
What machine/technique did you use to seal the bag.

I've had a Sinbo sealer for several years. I did as shown on the Dry Bag website, which is nothing special, by doing a diagonal seal on each corner and then sealing across the two.
Okay, here's the deal; I couldn't wait, so the total aging time was only 20 days. 17# choice ribeye, well marbled, limited fat cap at beginning. 12.5# after 20 days of drying and trimming of fat and dried outer layer.

The weather was supposed to be nice today for the last time for about a week looking forward, so I broke out the dry aged beef a day early for a taste test. For the record, I'm writing this about 6 hours after the meal and I feel no ill effects, yet. If that changes, I'll let you know tomorrow if I can still function.

As for the taste, everyone except me (about 8 other people) loved it. Several people showed up after we started grilling and had no idea that this meat was "special", and they all commented about how good it was. Generally they commented that it tasted beefy.

I didn't hate it, but I didn't get all crazy in love with it either. I honestly think after all the plotting and hiding of the piece I wanted for myself, I think I got one of the end pieces. Mine was too well done for my tastes, and I couldn't see beyond that to give a more descriptive personal account. I didn't think the meat was more tender than wet aged, but I'll have to try again with a more suitable steak to verify that feeling.

All things considered, after my initial bags are used, I think I'll likely stick to my usual 45-60 day wet aging. Fewer concerns and easier storage since cryovacs can be stacked. As I write this, I just don't think there was enough difference to the positive side to justify the time and effort for dry aging.
Originally posted by Pags:
Todd, respectfully, if the steak wasn't cooked to your liking, how could you give yourself a fair assessment on the aging comparison?

Hi Pags,
I couldn't. I did eat half of another steak and it was better. Flavor on all the steaks was good, but the two I tried were not the tender morsels of dry aged beef I was hoping for. I though that after 20 days the enzymes would have done their thing and the meat would be very tender regardless of how it was cooked because the cells would have broken down to a great extent.

I'm also going to try another piece of meat, a strip loin this time and see if that makes a difference. And I'm going to cook it myself too.

Depending on the results from that one, I'll likely try a piece of meat aged for 12-14 days too. It's possible that 20 days is just a little too long from a moisture perspective.

And there was nothing wrong with the process, so I'm not knocking the dry bag, but generally, unless the next experiment turns out much better, I'm still thinking that the effort outweighs the benefits

What was the grading of the original piece of meat.

For "me" I'm not sure aging a select or even choice would be worth it, as the original piece doesn't have the marbling, but I could be wrong.

I do wet age mine and the thing I like about that is that I don't have the waste from cutting off the outer layer in dry aging.

But hey, if it works for some, great. There are 1,000's of options out in the BBQ world.
It was graded choice, and appeared to be well marbled from the ends when purchased, but it did not seem to have great marbling when I cut it into steaks. I would not have given it a "choice" rating if I had been the grader.

That's why I want to try it again on a different piece of meat.

But all in all, it was a fun experiment, and I'll give it another shot and hope for better results. And I survived! Smiler
Hi folks, I had to contribute a first post after purchasing my Smokette 009 a year ago, and learning a lot from these forums ever since. Got the hang of creating great pulled pork, beef brisket, smoked turkey, and smoking them stuffed jalapenos now, thanks.

Been through numerous successful wet-aging encounters of various cryovac choice beef cuts from Costco, and always found it to be well worth the wait. So I started looking around at dry-aging beef and found a lot of information that lead me to believe I had better know what I am doing before giving it a try. Found the DryBag info here and figured that looked worth a try, and ordered the smaller size bags which came in a 5-pack. I already had the recommended Sinbo vacuum sealer, (to freeze my pulled pork leftovers) so that made the decision even easier. Thanks to this 4th of July week the local grocery store chains had Ribeye roasts on sale for less than five bucks a pound, the science project now came together. I bought a 9lb choice grade Ribeye roast cut from the small end from one chain store, and a similar 10lb select grade cut from another chain store that I have always thought tasted as good as choice, or even some prime. (AKA "Ranchers Reserve" for those in this area). Both were fresh out of the cryovac, with packing dates 4 to 5 days earlier.

Since I had been an old hat at wet-aging beef already, and I knew the trusty fridge would maintain a temp around 35F, there were no worries there and on I went. I contacted the DryBag folks and asked their opinion regarding leaving the bones on or cutting them off, the response was somewhat obtuse and curious, however the recommendation was to remove them prior to dry-aging in their bags, so that's what I did and set the rack aside for future use. The bone-in cuts would not have fitted in the smaller bags I ordered anyway, but after trimming the rack off it fitted nicely in the smaller bags.

The pictures I posted below do not do justice, the darker black areas in the photo are actually a deep purple color, that of a plum. The cut on the right is the 10lb select grade after 1 day in the fridge, the one on the left is the choice grade cut after 4 days. Not to say they age any differently, just to show the difference a few days makes in the process. Top and bottom pics included.

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