I enjoy a nice crusty bark on PB's and Briskets. Therefore, I have steered away from foiling for this reason. My bark on either type of meat doesn't seem to maintain a lot of flavor. My bark is good, crusty, and not burnt, but on the other hand it doesn't have the same degree of flavorfulness (if that's a word) of my shorter cooking items such as ribs.
I am using either commercial or self made rubs, all have a good flavor pre-cook, all contain some sugar, and all taste good on other meat items.
I apply the rub liberally pre-cook. I don't reapply during the cook. Typically I don't even open the door until the probe tells me it is getting close to removal time. I have not ever tried mopping due to increasing the cooking time from opening the door.
Typical cooking times for PB run around 15-17 hours for 8-9 lb'r(start at 200 F, finish at 250 F); 12 lb packer brisket might go a little longer than this.
I assume my problem has to do with the long cooking time of PB and brisket, and the flavor of the spices dissipate. Am I right?
I am looking for a flavorful bark with more zing, like I am able to achieve on my ribs.
Any suggestions appreciated. What do you do?
Thanks guys and gals.
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