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Bought a 12.85# Choice Packer Brisket with a really nice fat cap.. Washed it, patted it dry and applied a dry rub fairly heavy all over, put it in the fridge for 4 hours. Let it sit out while I prepped the AmeriQue. Set the temp to 225*, set the probe for the point at 195*, and a probe in the flat for checking! I used 5 oz. of Hickory and 2 oz. of Sugar Maple, we like heavy smoke. I put the brisket in the smoker, smoker temp was 67* and meat probes were 55*. Checked the meat when my point reached 194, and the flat was 205*. Thermapen went in like warm butter and confirmed my temps so I took it out, double wrapped flat in foil and put cooler and put the point back in until it reached 205*.
The meat was out of this world, way up on my list!!
The only thing I did not understand, it took 18-1/2 hours for the cook! It was worth the wait.
Thanks to everyone on the form for all your help and info these last several years!! Smiler
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