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Our fabricator has started working on the FE's modifications. Should be done in about a week. We will try to post some pictures of the finished unit.

1. Cutting off legs right below the drip pan and putting in a flat plate for it to set on. Will lower center of gravity and make hauling in a pickup upright easier. Will be able to let the unit sit on tailgater and cook.

2. Adding lift handles and tong holders on both sides, right under the vent and on each side of the pellet hopper. Will make lifting much easier and hopefully save my back. Also will make nice place to hang tongs. Will be adding a piece of round pipe stock to handle to hold umbrella.

3. Fabricating a new base for the unit to sit on at competetions and at home. The base will hold two batteries, inverter and a charger. Will have male and female plugs to plug the FE into and also outside power for the charger when available.
Have new industrial casters that are much wider and larger diameter. They lock both ways.

4. Fabricating a polder stand to hold 6 devices on top of the FE. This will not be permanently attached and will just sit there. Will hold the digital readouts so can be read from the front.

Have I left anything out?
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Regarding the handles..did you drill through the insulating wall to attach the handles or is it something like a "U" shape that goes down the side, underneath and back up other side?

If you did drill through the insulation, will that void the warranty?

I am very interested in these mods and I think they are great ideas.
I talking to Fast Eddy regarding the handles, he advised to attach to the existing square stock on the legs. Apparently there is nothing inside the stainless walls to really get ahold of. We are building a kind of "U" shape for the side by the vents and small U's on each side of the pellet hopper. These will also give us a good place to attach tie-downs when we are hauling it.
We also are working on a mod to our FE. We wanted to haul the cooker to competitions using a platform attached to the trailer receiver. Our fabricator felt that it wouldn't be secure given the distances we would be traveling.

We have added additional horizontal steel supports between the factory legs. We have opted to tie into the existing tow package on the Excursion and weld two new receivers to it. From the rear you now see three receiver positions on the vehicle. The two new receivers are about 34 inches apart and centered on the vehicle.

Our stand mounts into the two outside receivers. We have two rigid 70" ramps that bolt into the platform. The ramps work fine and allow one guy to load the smoker. Once in place, the two legs on the left handside bolt into a steel u-channel which locks the cooker in place. We have added a pair of steel hook points that take two large turn buckles tied to the traveling platform. These effectively lock the unit "down" and keep it from moving up and down on the platform.

Everything was made to allow one person to move the cooker and to allow all material to travel outside an SUV. We have a 550 mile trip this Friday so it will finally get full out testing. Locally around town we have put more than 200 miles on the rig and the FE just sits perfectly still.

Things we are still working on:

New wheels for dirt and grass sites.

A system to "tie down" the pellet hopper. We are worried the screws will strip out due to bouncing and vibrating during the long trips.

Battery and inverter rack under the drip pan.

I will forward some pics next week after we get back from the comp.
Just got back from the comp in Modesto. It is a 7.5 hour drive for us and the new platform was great. Not having to tow the FE on a trailer was a big time saver on the drive. Not to mention not having to hassle with manuvering the trailer through the event's parking maze.

I'll download the pics on Monday and forward them to SmokinOkie.

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