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Hi i'm a new owner and a first time poster. I appologize if this has been asked a million times before, but....
I have seen a wood rack that people have made that can be straped to the stack side of a FEC100 so you can lay it down in the back of a pick-up or van and transport it. Does anybody have any pictures or drawings of something like that that works well?
thanks in advance!
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Maybe you are talking about the lift bars I installed on my FE. By the stack I have a bar going across the side to lift and hold tools. On the other side I have two heavy rods coming out on each side of the hopper. Makes lifting it much easier. I also chopped the legs off and made a removable base that holds my batteries and inverter and has a better set of wheels. Making it shorter allows us to transport upright in a u-haul or lay down on its back in a pickup.

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