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well guys i have been a little depressed lately.i have searched the internet far and wide to find pics of a fec-500 or 750 in action.they dont exist! all that i have found are the same two pics on this website everywhere else.donna did send me a pic of something that resembles a smoker(just joking donna).so my search has lead me back here and i just wanted to share with you the 2 things that i have learned in the past couple of weeks.

1)their are more pics of saquatch on the internet than a fec-500 or 750.
2)i do believe sasquatch exists and the fec 500 and 750 dont.
so my brother and i are expecting an elusive fec-750 in on friday. i will personally let you all know once in for all if it does exist,or if i just got punk'd by ashton kutcher and cookshack.
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Well the mystery of the 750 sitings are no longer a mystery. We actually got our hands on ours and its a beauty. As much as the freight company tried to hide it from us - Terri was able to locate it and we were able to pick it up yesterday. Cannot say enough about the great customer service and folks at Cookshack. We'll have some pics up shortly.

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