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Originally posted by GaryT:

The class was the best! David, Eddy, Merle with the judging class, and all of the CS crew hit a Home Run!
Thanks to all of you!

A BIG OOOOPs! I must have been still asleep this morning when I posted.
SmokinOkie I did not mean to leave you out! Thank You for all you do and did at the class. It was a pleasure to meet you.
Originally posted by GaryT:
A BIG OOOOPs! I must have been still asleep this morning when I posted.
SmokinOkie I did not mean to leave you out! Thank You for all you do and did at the class. It was a pleasure to meet you.

I'm sorry, were you in the class... Big Grin

Yeah, no worries here, I know you know that I know we know who was there... you know?
Thank you for the info. Will definetly try to make it happen next year. Love to go to new places and meet people with the same passion as me. Cheers, Don
Originally posted by SmokinOkie:

Call CS, ask for Mandy. If they didn't answers emails this past week they spent all week working to get ready.

And the FE class is 'almost' always the first week of December.

It was great to meet everyone put faces to names.
Didn't Mandy get married and move?

I think Christa Jones is the one to talk too, she made the comment at the start of the class that Becky was her side kick, so I'm sure Becky could help also. Heck it could have been Stuart that said Becky was Christa's side kick, oh well!

They had all the girls helping out with the judging class, what a fine bunch of table captains we had...On that subject, Merl gave one heck of a GOOD class, best I've seen so far. He took extra efforts to make sure the judges to be, knew that your NOT suppose to judge to your own tastes, but to what the cook was trying to accomplish. I got to experience the new pointer presentation, or whatever it is called!
So if you had to choose a class which one would it be? Don
Originally posted by cal:
Didn't Mandy get married and move?

I think Christa Jones is the one to talk too, she made the comment at the start of the class that Becky was her side kick, so I'm sure Becky could help also. Heck it could have been Stuart that said Becky was Christa's side kick, oh well!

They had all the girls helping out with the judging class, what a fine bunch of table captains we had...On that subject, Merl gave one heck of a GOOD class, best I've seen so far. He took extra efforts to make sure the judges to be, knew that your NOT suppose to judge to your own tastes, but to what the cook was trying to accomplish. I got to experience the new pointer presentation, or whatever it is called!
See you people are so incredible with your knowledge. thank you for sharing. I know I already told you how awesome your 101 is on turkey. But smokin I got to tell you people think I'm amazing because of you!!People are still raving about my turkeys on Thanksgiving and I owe it to you.I love to cook and when I see big smiles it is very cool! Sooo fun. Thanks again Smokin. Cheers, Don
Last edited by Former Member
Hey Don!,

Smokin' has made so many of us above average cooks and doesn't mind sharing his love of teaching BBQ.

I've taken a couple of comp classes, because That's what I hope to do someday. While Eddy and David took time to share comp recipes, which most folks cooking at home will not use. They also took time to explain cooking techniques,selecting quality meat,injections,etc. Which some of it will make back yard smokers better, so that part could be beneficial to all.

A couple years ago, when I first got my smoker CS offered a backyard class. I think a couple of the forum members took this class and said it was very knowledgeable and was taught on an electric smoker. You might see if they will be offering that class anytime in the future.

Some colleges offer BBQ classes in the evening, I think Smokin' actually teaches some of them in Oklahoma City...could be a long drive thou.

You can learn a LOT by just using this forum and asking questions or sharing your cooks with the me, that was my best learning, substitution for that.

If you go to Ponca City for a class it will be time/money well spent and any of them will help.
Thank you for your thoughts Cal. It sounds like the comp class might be for me. Not that I intend on doing that in the near future but who knows? I cook every night and love to cook for all so might happen. I am also my worst critic which I don't think is bad. I do know my amerique makes me look pretty darn good to my friends!Lucky guy I am.Spoiled actually!!! Cheers, Don
Thanks for joining.

I've suggested, maybe you guys could ask CS to have a regular (not comp) cooking class.

While most of the people there were there to learn comp, a number that I talked to went just to learn more. If I was teaching like I do in the classes I teach, we'd have to cover a little more ground.

Maybe I'll email CS (you guys, if you think it's a good one, email Brenda)

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