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I have been talking to the folk at Cookshack about the FEC100 and following the comments on the forum, too. They sent the brochure, but it didn't have some of the information I want, so maybe some of you can help me out.

What is the operating range of the unit, i.e., what is the lowest setting on the temp control and the highest setting on the temp control?

What are the temp control settings available within the high and low ranges?

Does the unit run fairly close to the temp setting on the thermostat control?

Seems there are quite a few flame outs being discussed on the forum. Is it reliable enough to load and set and forget or will I have to tend it as carefully as I do my Klose?

What all do you need in order to run it safely on batteries and what do the accessories to operate on batteries cost and are they reliable?

I have a Cookshack Mod. 50, so am familiar with the company and it's products.

Thanks for any advice and assistance any of you can provide. Is there anything else I should know about the FEC100.

Chuck Bearden
Original Post

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The Tempertures ranges from 180 to 450 you can smoke fish to cook cakes in this cooker ,they can have a small swing in temp if set at 250 it can go up to 275 on the temp swing but that is nothing to worry about the final product will be done on time . All you need to run on battery is a small converter and a 12V battery ,I have 300 watt converter and mine runs fine even on start up when the hot rod is on < the automatic starter> Flame outs can be low voltage , most cookoffs have low power so you have to run a generator or a converter .Mine has flamed out one time in 4 years and has been used 100`s of time trouble free , so I would call it a set it and forget it type cooker .You will not be disapointed if you get one . Just my 2 cents
I have an FE/CS. Temps are like stated above. As far as the flame outs, I said before it must have something to do with voodoo. Seems like it happens to a lot of units when they are first purchased. After you get it out of the way, no more problems. I run mine off electricity all the time with no problems. Mine is in use 5-7 days a week. I have had it for almost a year. I had an auger jam one time, when a large piece of wood was mixed in with the pellets, and I missed it when I poured them in.
It turns out excellent food, from meat to cakes and biscuits. I just finished a prime rib and southern biscuits on it. Terrific!! Big Grin Big Grin
Cowboy and Freddie:
Thanks for the information. Looks like it works great from coast to coast. I appreciate your responses which weigh favorably in the decision-making process.
Anyone else have anything they can add? I'd like to hear it, if you do and are inclined to give me your thoughts. Chuck Bearden
A think flame outs is a non-issue. While you've seen a couple of posts about it, those I know haven't had it happen unless they've been tinkering with the internal settings and such. Or they have problems with their pellets.

It's an awesome smoker and I really can't remember anyone ever saying after they got their FE, that they wanted something else.

There is variance in the temp from the setting, but this is BBQ, it won't matter one ounce if the temp swings +/- 40degrees. It jumps in temp as it cycles but maintains the setting. It's not exact for the setting on the dial, but once you've used your smoker, you'll learn it's individual character. That's why I don't care if it doesn't have a 225 setting. My cooks fine at 240.

Let us know if you have any more questions.

FYI, in your other post, you'll get more responses if you put a specific subject like "looking for Illinois owners" as the title helps people know what is inside.

Thanks, Smokin. I am aware of the cooking ranges of Cookshacks since I have a Mod. 50 and know that they cook well and that the temp level is not constant at any setting. I just wanted to know what the experience has been with the FEC100. I can't keep my Klose running any finer than 80* and know that is perfectly acceptable.
I still haven't had anyone tell me what the available temp settings are on the control and John at Cookshack wasn't sure, at least that's what I understood when I asked him. I gather the new ones can be set at 180* on the low end and 500* on the high end and that one setting in mid range is 245*. Are there other settings between the high and low?
I'll re-post the query seeking an FEC100 in my area. Reason I put Quincy, IL, is that we are on the Mississippi River, across from Missouri and about 50 miles from SE corner of Iowa. Nearer to Kansas City & St. Louis than Chicago and many other places in Illinois.
Appreciate the advice and information.
Chuck Bearden
Wow, Smokin!!!!
The xray tech part of me wants to turn that dial! Thanks for sharing that picture. I almost feel like our smokers have arrived!!!
What amount of fluctuation do you notice when you open the unit during cooking? Does that affect the overall time much? For each time you open it, do you have to add more time for the finished product?
I'm learning.

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