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Put a nice 5# CAB flat on last night with the temp set at about 190*. My intent was to foil in the morning & finish the smoke. I have a friend who has had trouble with back & leg pain. Gonna slice this puppy up and vacuum seal most of it so he can reheat as needed.

First issue was that, at the last minute I discovered I was low on my “go to rub,” BRITU. Not wanting to go out again, I thought I’d improvise.

I put a decent coat of BRITU on the fat side (I cook fat side down) and finished and then dusted with Cookshack Spicy Chicken Rub (CSCR). On the top I used about equal amounts of BRITU and CSCR.

Put the brisket in around 10pm. Got up late & check the temp (8:30am) and it was 170*. Time to pull & foil with 50% broth & 50% homemade BBQ sauce mixture. Ok, DONE! Back in the smoker she goes.

I watch as the temp rises and stalls at 177*. Ok, I’m in the plateau, no problem. Two hours later, still at 177*. Not unusual, give it another hour. Still no movement on the temp. "Ok, let’s get the Therma Pen." 212*!!! Rut Roh ! 197* was my target temp and 202* was the highest I’d ever taken a brisket.

I pulled the brisket & FTC’d it for three hours, let er cool down a tad and began to slice. O.M.G. ! This was the best brisket I’d ever smoked. Talk about tender! Fantastic bark. And that CSCR added a nice little kick that really tickled the taste buds. Big Grin

So friends & newbies… there ya go. A couple of mistakes, snafus or whatever ya care to call them turned out to be a great learning experience. I’ll probably do the rest of my briskets this way until the next fiasco (though 212* may be over-kill).

Take care...
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cal -- Yes, I did turn the smoker up. Set it on 225*. I like my briskets to render well. I've tried going to 250* but my briskets seem to be just a tad on the dry side.

MaxQ -- I've confessed this before: I use a SmokinTex 1300, very similar to the CS 008. I purchased it before I had ever heard of Cookshack. Confused I believe what happened is that my Taylor remote may have got a little moisture in it from being outside over night at 22*. After things settled down, I hit the re-set button on the back. It seems to be working alright, for now anyway.

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