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I have to hand it to everyone on the forum. I cooked my first butts today, they turned out great. I rubbed them with my rib rub with the sugar removed, then added brown sugar, let them sit wrapped for 6 hours.into the cs150 and added more brown sugar. Took the first 2 out after 14 hours,when the temp reached 185. The next few hours the rest came out.
I cooked at 210, with the probe set for 187. 80 pounds of bone in butt.
I warm them up on the grill i have with a little rub sprinkled on them and serve with BBQ sauce, FF and slaw.
The only thing i might change for the next cook is to inject them with rub. The whole cook took about 18 hours, but like the saying goes " it's done when it's done"
A big Thank you to Prisonchef and to everyone else who posted about pork butts. Ron Smiler
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The probe works great. It shows the temp of the meat along with the temp of the smoker. I put it in the largest piece of meat, in the middle of the smoker. When the probe temp got to 175, i checked the lower butts with a dial temp and the one with the probe, and found it to be right on.

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