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Finally got back home from a 2-week business trip to find the long-awaited Cookshack Model 50 waiting for me!

After getting the casters on and putting the cooker in place, I tossed in an 8# brisket, set it to 225, and went to bed. The next afternoon, meat temp was reading 175 so we brought it out.

Now, I really didn't go to very much trouble with a rub or other seasoning because I wanted to see for myself just how much flavor the smoke itself would add. There was a little bit I added (kosher salt, cracked black pepper, and a little bit of Essence), but not much at all. I used one chunk each of hickory and apple wood, as well.

Very moist, very tender, and, well...addictive! I was very impressed with the flavor the smoke infused and can't wait to take a real crack at this. I can imagine how great it would be when I actually TRY! Big Grin

This is gonna be great! Got some ribs, tri-tips, cross-ribs, salmon, steelhead, tip roasts...all that stuff in the freezer. It will all soon be in the smoker! Yahoo!

Thanks to Stuart and all the folks at CS, and to all the forum members whose experience and knowledge will prove invaluable.

Oh, and for those still sitting on the fence - make sure you jump down on THIS side, and get yourself one of these things! The only thing you will regret is not getting one sooner!

Now, I'm gonna head back upstairs and grab a few more slickes of leftover brisket. I'm surprised at how little is left after an 8-pounder, and only 4 eaters!
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