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I have been smoking in cookshack smokers for years now, but have never done this volume or smoked under this pressure...the butts are for my cousins wedding on saturday (thats another long story I won't bore you with).

Two things, one is mission critical, the other is something I have never experienced.

1) first 4 butts went in last night around 9 they are in the plateau now and I expect them to be done sometime this afternoon. Planning on pulling them, saucing a little with cider vinegar etc then cooling and storing until saturday. Question is this...both my sous chef (my cousin) and I are working today and have obligations this evening until around 9. Should be leave the office and FTC them when they are done or can we hold them in the smoker until 4-5 then FTC them? Pulling them around 9 tonight?

2) after we loaded the smoker last night, we sat down with family and enjoyed some great beers and talked...about an hour after the smoke started we hear "thwooooommmmm" and experienced a marvelous apple/cherry smoke geyser like none I have ever seen. I opened the smoker....all good, no meat blocking the vent, all clear, thermos still in place...what happened? We had had a few more beers and postulated, the best we could come up with was nothing... Ideas?

Sorry for the long post, but if you are going to talk about Q, this is the place!
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You didn't mention what cooker you were using,but I found it in your profile.

The noise/smoke you mentioned sounds like the"infamous wood fart".There have been countless discussions about them and potential causes.Moisture,etc.After seeing it once,folks take the same approach you took.

Reference holding/pulling the butts.If you are able to get to the cooker and turn it down to 185º+/- it will not finish until you turned the cooker up to 240º,or so.That could be at 9P.M.

You don't say when the finish time will be,but if it is before 4-5 P.M.,you can turn the cooker down to about 145º and let the cooker be your holding oven.

If you FTC ed them into a warm cooler,they will be so hot at 9P.M. you can't handle them.

Don't know if this answers your question,but ask another question and someone will be able to help.
I have been using Cookshack smokers for roughly 10 years and had never heard the mythical “wood fart” I’d heard so much about until about a year and a half ago while smoking briskets at my sister’s. Everyone there was used to hanging around the smoker while it is in use so I was unable to get away from it for any length of time. When the fart happened it scared the crap out of us all, but things settled back down rapidly. It was a tad difficult to convince all the good old boys there wasn’t a need to open the door until they were done, we got by.

I did 10 butts for graduations last weekend, 5 per cook. The first load took around 24 hours; the second load took just under 14 hours. All of the butts came from the same place, looked about the same, were trimmed about the same, were rubbed the same, weighed about the same, and were smoked the same. I have no idea why the 2nd load finished so much quicker. I’ve done this before and I have yet to cipher a method to tell me which butts will stall forever and which butts will linger for a short time before finishing. I just figure like Smokin says “they’re done when they’re done”

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