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Hello all, I don't post here much but thanks in advance for the help! I have 8 full packers ave. 14# untrimmed aprox 12# trimmed. The plan is to cook them 80%-90% done then take to catering site and put back on very large gas cooker/grill to finish. I would like to keep the finishing time to 2hrs at the site. Any thoughts on cooking temps and time to get to that 80%-90%??? I normally go with the tooth pick test, so what int. temp do you consider 80-90%?? I ask these questions because I normally cook briskets on my WSM's

Thanks again
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Unless you have some reason to finish on the other cooker, I think you're adding an unnecessary variable.

I'd finish on the FEC and cooler the meat until ready to serve. Forget the second cook. This also cuts down on food handling so it's safer too.

I'd guess 250* for 12-14 hours will get you there, but you might need more. Like you said, it's done when it's done.
I thank you and totally agree with the thoughts on the idea to finish on site. The GM of the golf course wants a bit of a show on site. So, I have decided to cook them completely, DBL foil them put on gas cooker, with just the smoker box lit for show, then the last 1/2 hr turn the gas on, unwrap and glaze.


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