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I was forcibly placed on the sidelines during Andi's ultimate Alasakan/Memphis cookoff. Mar 27- April 2. It will not have been lost on you readers that that is one hell of a thread! So, I've got to make a comment.
First, congratulations to the happy mom. Andi, you're awesome.
But, don't you all agree the thread looks like the log of your organic midwiffery journal. It's true. And there at the end is Andi crying out: I DID IT. MY VERY OWN. IT'S PERFECT!
But,then look at all the help! Incredible. And wonderful to work with an innate talent like Andi.
So now you are all aware of the genesis of those bronzed words above the arched entry to the Cookshack University that say:

(Quote attributable to Smokin Okie, Chancellor for Life, CS University.)

Original Post
Thank you, thank you (she's sez modestly!) You are a crack-up, Mr. I2!

It used to be I couldn't figure out why everyone got so excited by a Pork Butt...until now! I mean, I knew I loved Pig Meat, but never like this!

If it wasn't for this forum, it never would have happened, and for that, I am humbled at the awesomeness of this thang called Q!!!!! Razzer

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