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Well, I've done 2 chickens and a turkey. Now, it is time to smoke a couple nice slabs of spareribs. I removed the membrane and liberally coated both sides with CS Rib Rub. Then I wrapped and let sit in refrigerator for 24 hours. I will set smoker temperature to 225 and the timer for 3 hours and then check. Will allow enough time to smoke for 4 or 5 hours if needed. Will use 4oz of Hickory wood. Had to cut slabs in half to fit on racks, so I cut them before applying Rib Rub. I guess I could have hung them from the top, but they were so long, they would have been touching the woodbox cover. Plus, with only 2 slabs, using the racks is no problem. I'll start them smoking around 1 pm in order to have them for dinner around 5 pm. Can't wait, I could eat Ribs for breakfast if I had any, Saaayyyy!!! If there are any leftovers, that will be a good idea for tomorrow.
Next session will be a 6 lb Pork Butt roast next week, then I will finally do a brisket.

Question, will using a liberal amount of CS Rib Rub make the Ribs too salty? Do you need to only sprinkle a little bit? Some rubs you can use alot, others are very salty. Maybe I need to rub a little off before smoking? I didn't put a huge amount on, but I definitely did not just sprinkle a tiny bit either. LOL
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Well, sigh.....The ribs were ok, but they were way too spicy. I used too much CS Rib Rub. Also, they were not as tender as I wanted. I let them go for 4 hours, probably should have gone for 5-6 hours. Oh well, I am keeping a journal and will never make the same mistake twice. Next time I will use less rub (or maybe even a homemade rub), and maybe toward the end, baste with some kind of sauce. And I will definitely let them baby's smoke longer.
Now that I think about it, I used too much CS Spicy Chicken Rub for my other sessions when I did 2 chickens and when I did a Turkey. I would rather use too little than too much. Roll Eyes

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