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Wanted to tell everyone hello, it's been a long time since I've been on the forum. In catching up on my forum reading, I continue to be blown away by the great ideas, experience and overall enjoyment the forum and all the readers provide.

Smoked a 7lb brisket in my Smokette last weekend, it was the best brisket of my life. Got it to 190deg, w/ marinade and 4-5 oz mesquite. The funny thing was, it was even better the second night wit those oh so good Q leftovers. I've seen posts that say the second and third nights leftovers are better, but I couldn't believe the flavor and tenderness were perfect.

Just bought some beautiful babyback ribs for this Sunday. I've had to cook my ribs for 7 or so hours for them to be tender; don't know if that's cause its so cold here in Indy.

Anyway, it's great reading all the great posts, catch everyone later.
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Welcome (back) IndianaQ! From Carmel. (for those who are unaware, that's CAR-mel, Indiana, unlike car-MEL, California...and I don't know which one came first!)

From my years at Ball State, I think you may be the first true barbecuer in the whole state! Though I personally think you brave to use that much mesquite on a brisket! hahahah

I wonder if your unit cooks 'slow' (which was my mom's term for a lower temperature...also a Hoosier-ism...maybe other places, too?!) Seven hours for babybacks seems excessive, unless you purposely had the temp turned down. But, I know everybody here is glad you liked what you cooked.

At 7 pounds, I'm guessing the brisket was the point (deckle)? Or did you find a good-sized flat? 2nd and 3rd days on those are good just like pot roasts!

Glad to have you on board and posting.
Hi Thousand Oakie, great to hear from you again, and thanks for your feedback!

I agree with you on the 7 hours being excessive for the ribs, it's honetly been a little frustrating, because it seems like it takes everyone else 3-6 hrs to cook ribs. I also thought my Smokette was 'slow,' (I didn't realize that was a Hoosier-ism Smiler ) but I called the folks in Ponca City, we did a 3-hr temp test, and the pit was working fine. And, my briskets are turning out great at 225deg at 1.5 hrs/lb, so I'm confused as to why. I just keep staying with Smokin's motto "they're done when they're done," and taking detailed notes. I have considered bumping the pit to 250deg instead of 225 for the ribs. Any other thoughts would be appreciated....

The 7lb brisket was a flat, and yes, I was able to find this one at Kroger. The 4-5oz of mesquite didn't overpower the meat, and 2oz was giving us enough smokiness, so I kicked it up a couple of notches.

I'll keep you posted on the ribs I'm doing tomorrow- I got 'em from my favorite butcher shop, paid a little more, but they look awesome. Also, you guys may get a kick out of this..I did... I was speaking to the butcher when I bought the babybacks yesterday, and I was talking about the fact I still haven't mastered taking off the membrane on the backside, at least easily, and he told me they stripped the membrane on all their ribs! This may be why I paid a little more, but I appreciated the extra service, and these guys always have great cuts. I didn't realize the butcher would go so far as to peel the membrane off.

That's it, I'll let you know how the ribs go..!
Hey Hoosier, that's what I call good customer service from the butcher shop !

I think you should turn the Smokette up to 250* tomorrow and let it go until those better grade ribs are done. I think you will be pleased with the results, hung or otherwise. Keep everything else the same as usual, so you will know, for experimenting sake.

Thanks a lot, GLH, you guys convinced me to crank it up to 250*. They just went in the pit 10 minutes ago, I will check them at the 5-hr mark, unless you think I should check them earlier. I never cooked them at 250, so wasn't exactly sure when to check. In any case, looking forward to dinner tonight!
Hello fellow Hoosier! I have to say, I'm a little offended that Okie thinks you are the only BBQ'er in the state. I'll guess I'll concede the southern half to you. I have done baby backs 6-7 times in my 009. At first I was worried about how long they took to finish (almost 7 hours). I tried cooking them at 250 from the start on my third attempt. Bad news! Very dry. I think I have it down now. I cook them between 200-225 for 4 1/2 hours, and peg out the temp at 250 for 1 hour to finish. They come out very tender,moist, and with the most beautiful golden brown/bronze color. You may have to fool around a bit to find the right time for your unit, but I have had great success with the slow and low, then blast for an hour method. Sorry so long everyone I'm just very proud of my ribs. This machine was made for brisket, but I think it does pork butts, and ribs to perfection.

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