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Originally posted by VMacBBQ:
Wanting to do a ham for Easter, but tired of doing the same ol' recipe. Does anyone have a suggestion on different ways or off-the-wall recipes for cooking ham (cut up, sliced, kabobs)? I'm always up for something new.


First, we need to question what's your "same ol' recipe". No point in possibly recommending something your already doing.
Black forest ham. Usually trim off skin, score the top, and marinade overnight in a zip lock bag. Next morning, rinse, cover with yellow mustard, and honey rub.
1 1/2 qt water
1 1/2 C pure maple syrup
1/2 C Makers Mark
1/2 C honey
1/4 C yellow mustard
1 1/2 TBsp ground black pepper
3/4 tsp ground cloves

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