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I've never seen the meat come close to falling off but you do have to be careful about how close the bottom end is to the heat...

I'm still undecided about using the rib hooks... for one thing, you can't easily rotate the ribs so that each end gets the same amount of cook, like you can with rotating the shelves. Seems like when I use the hooks the ribs come out a little dryer or tougher than when using the shelves. I like the convenience of using the hooks but not sure they produce a better product.
My 008 is not hottest closest to the heating element. It is hotter higher up on the topmost rack.

I've pondered this question for some time. Seems to me that the heat would rise to the top when the element is turned off at which point, as you say, it would be hotter there. On the other hand, when the element is on it would have to be hotter at the bottom or the heat would never rise up to the thermostat 'cause it's the temperature differential that causes the heat to rise by convection. Also there is radiant heat coming directly off the smoke box and that would also cause it to be hotter on the lower end of the ribs. It has been my conclusion that when the element is off it's hotter at the top. When the heat is on it's hotter at the bottom.

Now, this is only conjecture on my part since I have never temperature mapped the inside of an 08. It does however seems logical to me. Where am I going wrong here?

I'm not trying to be confrontational, just looking for answers.

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