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Just got back from a 2nd Honeymoon in Maui where my wife dragged me off to a Luau. Must say, the pork was can have the Poi Smiler Anyway, the pork we tried was very similar to PP but with variations in flavor. Has anyone tried to duplicate Hawaiian pork in a smoker?

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While I can't say this is the Hawaiian version- more of a Cuban version- it still comes out pretty damn tasty and you can play with it to find the flavor they had. Take the pork shoulder and inject with Mojo marinade. I just buy a store version and add more OJ, garlic powder, cayenne and pepper. I like to inject it with the wrap still on it and marinate for approx. 6 hours. Then I soak banana leafs (you can find frozen at a Mexican specialty store) in water for about an hour. I have soaked the leafs in the Mojo but didn't find it provided any difference in taste. Remove the pork from the wrapper and season with a dry rub variation of the Mojo- garlic, pepper, salt, cumin, orange zest etc. Wrap in banana leaf and smoke as you would a traditional butt- 190-195. The smoke will be subtitle. Remove, FTC and enjoy with your favorite beverage- glass of rum on the rocks goes great with it. Whip up some rice and beans and you’ve got a great meal.
Max, you need to work on a recipe and technique for luau style smoked pork and report back. I too enjoyed luau pork in Hawaii and Philipines, but it was always cooked in the ground and wrapped in either Ti or banana leaves. Therefore results were steamed rather than smoked; good eats BTW. I'd like to see your smoked version.
I got to meet the farmer and tour his facility, that raised the pigs and owns the small USDA packing plant that supplied the pork for Germine's Luau that we had attended near Honalulu.
They bring in busloads of customers, and I guess we were amoung 1000 there that night.
I asked him for the recipe for that pig we ate that was cooked underground.
"That little thing?" He said that little pig was for the show, would never feed 1000 people, and the staff ate that one. Ours was cooked back in the kitchen where it would pass Dept. of Health standards.

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