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Well some of the customer base has been bringing up the topic that they like it hotter than my normal offering which aint real hot but sorta warmish. Would be forced to call it spicy maybe. So on the last run i decided to fix em up right. Took out about 1/3 of the total strips (3 lbs maybe) and tried to drain off most of the marinade at which point I dusted it off with 1 T. each black and cayenne pepper..and laid it out on the racks. At about hour 3 I brushed one side with some cheap real hot red hab sauce..then on the other side at about hour six and let it sorta dry itself into the meat. That stuff come out pretty danged hot. Burned my lips..which is no no for us old chili cooks. Back burn is where its at. Anyway all the drunks at the beer joint loved it. One guy went to go make wee wee and accidentally touched his private parts after eating a bag. He say next time he will wash his hands before jurinating. I think the hot version is going on the menu. May try the same trick usign Sirachi next time. Should be about as good or better seems like.
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