Since buying my m50 (and getting my brother to buy one, and buying my dad one for Christmas), I've had ok results. I would like some suggestions for what to try next. My history is:
- I've cooked 3 or 4 butts, all turned out great
- Cooked baby back ribs, turned out pretty good, but the one's from my dutch oven have better flavor... i need to expirment more with this...
- tried a brisket, complete nightmare. It was during a winter cold front (in Texas mind you), and I seemed to have trouble getting reliable reading on meat temperature. There were too many things that went wrong to even post for help diagnosing, but I don't have it in me to try that again yet (although my kids love brisket).
I'm not experienced with large cuts of meat, I've grilled for years, but not this type of stuff.
I would appriciate any suggestions for I might try next. I really need a success after that last try with the brisket. I consdidered another butt, but being that we have 3-4 of those since i got this thing in December... I need to expand or I'll get my family tired of it.
Thanks for any suggestions.
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