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Here's to hoping that somebody can help me make the best of a bad situation:

I have a 7 lb brisket all rubbed up and ready to go for a party I'm having Saturday afternoon. However, my Amerique has just crapped out (with a 10 lb pork butt in it, no less).

So now I have a brisket and no smoker with which to cook it, as I can't get a repair part until well after tomorrow.

I know there's no way I'm going to make this meat taste as good as it would have tasted by smoking in the Amerique, but does anyone have a recipe I can try using an oven? I also have a nice sized gas grill handy if that needs to play a part in the recipe.

If anyone can help, you'd be a lifesaver!
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I'm still a newby at brisket,and certainly not familiar with smoking in the AQ, however, I've had a little success with smoking on the gas grill before getting my 045.

You might not get as much smoke flavor, but try putting some wood chips in an aluminum foil pouch and placing it directly on top of your gas burner.

My experience has been that you gt some smoke, but it doesn't seem to lastvery long, but you will get some smoke flavor to your brisket.

Good luck.

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