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I am smoking some Turkey Breasts that a friend of mine raised on his farm. I have a vertical smoker that uses a water pan. I am going to try and Brine these, do I need the water pan, I have seen some recipes that say leave the pan empty when Brining. I am a confused Newbie, and have only done Ribs, chicken in my smoker.
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when I had my water smoker I did not use the water pan much I was told to put sand it to catch the drippings. the only problem I had was if I was not carefull things would dry out If you are worried about that then I would put the water pan in with some kind of flavored liquid that will give your birds a taste you like other than that I do not think it matters much either way
Fireack -- "Welcome to the forum," and please accept my apologies for the seemingly rude reply above.

I never smoked a brined turkey in my Brinkman so I can't be of much personal help. If you go to this Virtual Bullet website you might find it helpful. They say to foil the water pan top and bottom to catch drippings.

BTW What kind of smoker are you using? All the information you can give re your smoker will help!

Anyway, hope this help a little.

Good luck to you!
Last edited by wheelz

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