Well now,Smokin' does know stuff.
He says each category is a forum in itself,doing a cater can be another,and don't take your trial run as your party offering.
Are you just preparing and delivering the meats,or doing all the foods and serving?
Is someone else doing sides,and how many?
Is your crowd athletic males,petite women,or children?
Are there snacks that any kids might fill up on?
Are you doing pork sandwiches,or just pork on the plate?
If you are in an area that actually has pork shoulders,they will average 16-18 lbs,could take 16-18 hrs to cook,and three would yield about 25 lbs of cooked meat.
As to ribs,if they are loinbacks,do they weigh 20 oz,or 48 oz?
If spares,do they weigh 2 1/2,or 7 lbs/slab?
Are they injected,or previously frozen?
Since you are cooking on a very moist AQ,is there a reason you would do a 3-2-1?
Just a few questions that could drastically alter your approach.