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Here is my scores:
12th place overall

9th place chicken 897 778 878 798 989 988
18th place ribs 999 978 888 987 889 877
30th place pork 968 978 976 988 998 968
11th place briskit 989 978 978 989 866 988

They say my pork has no taste, I thought it was my best. All I did was rub and inject with apple juice. What else do I need to do. I need help from you pros.
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Well there are acouple of things people have tried. You need to try acouple diff butts and see what you like. I know that Eddy offers a pickle is what he calls it. Another one is of from Chris Lilly and then some people like to use that Fab stuff. So if is up to you on that. I wish I could help you better but my pork has been in the dump lately. I am trying some new things myself.

Good Luck,

When you say "help from the pros",most folks would be thrilled with 12 th overall at a top cookoff,against many of the top cooks in the country.

You are cooking pork in the heart of pork country,against top MIM & KCBS pork cooks.

That second 6 could have been a lousy judge?

Were there non CBJ s at the table?

As off the wall as KCBS scoring has been during this past couple years,I'm surprised all your scores were that tight.

Jack's Old South and,arguably the top MIM & KCBS pork teams this year, didn't walk.

Who told you your pork had no taste?

Just a couple of thoughts.

As my teammate says above,a lot of folks in your area use Chris Lily's injection.
I'm with Tom, overall a great contest. Don't beat yourself up on one category. If I did that, I wouldn't be here right now.

Your scores for Butt broken down:

30th place pork 968 978 976 988 998 968

Appearance: 999999

Taste: 677896

Tenderness: 886888

Personally I don't think AJ adds any flavor. If you look at the ingredient list on your AJ, the first is almost always water, not apples. Most AJ will cook out and thus you get the "no taste" comment. Pork generally doesn't have any taste in the middle does it?

Good suggestions above about using something different for injecting.

I replied to your PM, just send me an email when you can.

Don't make changes based on one cook. You could have hit a low scoring table. Our product is consistent at every cook. Have seen scores like first 3 times in a row and the fourth time, with the same product, scored 28th. Now should we change? I think not.
Just keep on cooking.

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