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My maw inlaw is turning 70 in three weeks and we are throwing her a little party for around 50 people. She loves my brisket so we thought we would serve that. We are looking at a potato casserole to go with it. My question is, what is something green I could have with it? I don't really want to make a salad or green beans. Anyone got any ideas of something good. Thanks
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Your profile doesn't say where you're located, but I'd say hit the local farmers market and buy whats in season. Collards and turnip greens are looking good around here, and while they're not green, beets are awesome right now. Broccoli rabe too. Maybe a nice spinach salad or wilted lettuce salad with warm dressing?

And Pags is dead on with the asparagus idea. Roasted or grilled asparagus is great. Splash some lemon juice on it to finish.

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