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I am fortunate enough to live on 10 acres that is about 2/3 hardwood timber including oak and hickory, so wood is not a problem......however, the only large pieces of hickory I have cut are green and I need some NOW.......however, I do have some 1" diameter branches left from cutting hickory to send to my Bro-in-law......these branches are dry and ready to go.......I have used wood of this size in a Brinkman, but I'm new to the electric smoker (ST)and don't want to mess up.
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That'll work. You can even cut them the length of the woodbox or a little shorter and use 1 per smoke. 1 might be too much for say a chicken or a short smoke or not a full load. 1 might be just right for a long smoke like a brisket or a butt, and good wild hickory flavor, too. The smooth bark hickory is stronger here than the scaly bark hickory. Might be different where you are.

So where are ya? Welcome to the forum!
NE Oklahoma

I have a native stone pit and an old Brinkman that I have used over the years with good results, but an electric has been calling my name for a few years and I finally scratched the itch.......have been using oak and hickory in the pit and water soaked hickory in the brinkman, but figured the electric would be a different story, so I wanted to make sure.......the first butt goes in tonight!
GonHuntin -- "Welcome to the Forum!" No need to soak the wood in the CS. Being a former ECB user myself I know the "soaking wood" habit.

And just FYI, many here do use green wood for their smokes and swear by it. Personally I've never tried it. Just for grins, do a search on green wood and see whhat you come up with.

Good luck & have fun!
Thanks guys.....the smoker is seasoned, the bottom of the smoker and the top of the woodbox is lined with foil, just weighed out 3 oz of hickory and put it in the box.......found what looks like a good rub recipe on the forum, made some up last night, rubbed down the 9 lb butt and it is sitting in the fridge waiting for it's time in the smoker. I plan to put it in about 10:00 tonight and hope to enjoy pulled pork tomorrow for supper!
Hope it works out for you; I am finding three ounces of good clean wood is often more than I need in the electric. Also, since you are using so little, I use a small hatchet to whittle the bark off. I have some branches from an apple tree which are about 1 1/2 inch in diameter, I peel off the bark with the hatchet then slice off rounds with a hacksaw.

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