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I'm smoking 4 boneless pork shoulders and making beans for my co-workers potluck Christmas party. That's simple enough, but here's my dilema.
The get together is at work this Tuesday at 5:30pm. I have a one hour commute to work and start the work day at 1pm. The previous day, I work 230pm-1030pm. What would be the best way to prepare this meat so that its freshest and warmest at 530pm? Or is that impossible to do.
Merry Christmas!
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Can you get them in the pit on Monday night when you return home from work and have them done by the time you leave on Tue? If so you could wrap them in heavy duty foil then cooler with towels and they will stay warm until 5:30 pm. How big are the butts and what are you smoking them on?

Your other option would be to smoke them tonight and reheat on Tuesday at work in roasters.
Six months ago I did that with Briskets right before I left for work and it worked fine. That's why I was asked to cook again. Cool
The Briskets take longer to cook then the Pork Butts will. If I put the Butts on just before leaving for work it might over cook during the night.
Do you guys think I could keep the heat low and then hold the meat without it overcooking? I've never held meat in the smoker before and I can't just go into work late because the meat isn't done.
Will the meat hold in an ice chest like the brisket does so well?
So many questions. Eeker I think I just convinced myself to bough out.
Excelsis Deo.
I've never cooked in foil, but this might be the time to think about it. You could put the pbs on when you get home,unfoiled, and the next morning wrap in foil and cook till it was time to pack up and go to work. Maybe the foil will speed up the cooking process and they will keep cooking for a while in the cooler.
sounds like your delima is the cook time as you have either roughly 24 hours or 12 hours, assuming you have no one who can start the cook for you while you're at work. If there is no ways for someone to do the start up, you could try to up the cook temp and hope it gets done on time in the 12 hours, or start earlier at a lower temp (like 190) then when you get off work check the internal temp and decide if you need to go ahead and up the smoker temp and maybe foil at that time like Cal mentioned. If they get done early you can always foil and hold in the smoker at 160 until you are ready to wrap and put in a preheated cooler to store for transport; doesn't look like you'll have a problem on the transport/hold time.
Follow up post:
Thanks to all for the advice. I put 4 PBs in my smokett at 2pm on Mon. That was about 28 Lbs of meat, so I over loaded the smoker a little. I pulled to bottom 2 at 10am on Tues. and FTC. The other 2 were ready at 11am. They all came out great. I kept the temp at about 200* over night. I figure that, and over loading the smoker might have cause the longer smoke time. But that was what I was shooting for. I served it with coleslaw, The KC beans recipe I got here along with Smokin's Vingar sauce. The meat was still plenty warm when I served it at 5pm. It was actually hot to the touch on the inside.
It all was a big hit.
We all worry that something isn't going to come out right but these little smokers always make you look like an Iron Chef.
Thanks CookShack and Members.

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