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I having problems with timming, I know I still have a nice learning curve to still figure out, I am use to my Traeger.

when I did some BabyBacks, I turned on my FEC to 180, let it heat up for a hour. I put my ribs in (just mustard and rub) cold in the smoker at 180 for another hour, then I let it go for 3 hours at 250 degrees without looking at it. I wrapped my ribs at the 3 hour mark and let them steam for 45 minutes. I took them out of the wrap and figured just 30 minutes to dry them off, and should be good to go. It wasn't I waited another hour and still not ready. I spent almost 6 hours intill it was done, not fall off the bone, just pull off the bone.

I tryed doing a chuck roast for pulling, and it was under 4 lbs. I did not season it or anything. It took 6 hours intill it got to 170, wrapped it, and took another 4 hours to get to 195 degrees, I did the 180 trick for 4 hours and 250 holding temp. I do everything on the second shelf for now intill I get this thing figured out

thanks in advance

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Michael, when I do BBY Backs I typically cook mine for about 5-7 hours just depending on when they feel done to me. I don't generally foil unless I'm in a hurry, so I can't really help you with that part.

What you'll find is that although it is a beauty when it comes to consistency overall, there are spots in the chamber that are hotter & cooler than others. Smok'n Okie used to have a shelf temp guide where he mapped out the temps of his FEC at various locations on all the shelves. The link no longer works, but if you can track it down it's a good bit of information.
You may try to swap the racks (up and down & front to back) when you're cooking. I've been told and is my experience that the bottom left is the hottest spot in the cooker (someone correct me if I'm wrong). The back left side on all shelves of my smoker tends to cook a little hotter. I've actually found that overall, the second rack from the bottom cooks the coolest in my machine.
THANKS you guys so much, I love this machine now, I now see what you guys are telling me!

I love hearing posts about how CS is about customer service! actually traeger tech service is the same (last I called 2 years ago)

now just figure out them buttons!, I feel like I am going to break something how hard I have to push, and rotate my thumb to make it kinda work.
Keep in mind if you go the 180 route, it will add time to your smoke. I haven't calculated it, but it's usually an hour or two

The best you can do it keep great notes. On ribs, I HIGHLY recommend weighing the ribs. There is a lot of variation, in BB's especially. Small ones weigh 2 and Loin Backs weigh over 3 and that only can be a 3 hour difference.

Keep practicing.

FYI, did you ever just cook them without the 180 setting. For contests I do mine at 275 the full time, like Eddie taught me and I got enough walks to make it all worth it.

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