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Welcome aboard.

Are you planning to smoke packers or flats?

For starters, I'd plan on 1/2 lb per person, of finished brisket. You didn't mention any other meats so I assume brisket is the main course.

Packers will yield 60-70% after trimming/smoking, depending on the amount of fat cap & kernel fat you trim away. Flats will yield about 80%.

Push come to shove you'll need 15 lbs of meat. Two packers in the 11-12lb weight range should do it, or 3 8 lb flats.
Ok thanks. I was figuring on maybe 15-20 lbs before smoking, so looks like I was pretty close. There will be chicken wings also, but main meat will be brisket. Would rather have leftovers than not enough for sure. 1/3- 1/2 lbs. per person probably sounds about right. Some will eat more, some less. Thanks guys.

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