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when i start i turn it on to smoke setting and wait 3 mins. then i turn it to off and right back on to smoke setting. i understand that it is on a timer.
i do know from experience that if i do what the book says and charge for 10 mins and then turn back on my temp will spike to about 375 to 400 degrees on trager pellets
hope this helps
Originally posted by prisonchef313:
[qb] ... i got the 3 min advice in this column and it sure does make a difference
jack [/qb]
What difference do you see, doing 3 vs. 10?

Sure the book says 10 and we've seen three, I'll just pass it on to CS so they can update the book if needed.
Thanks a million, guys!!! I wouldn't call the temp control knob a "switch", but guess that's just me. I appreciate the heads up on the 3 min. vs. 10 min. time on startup. I am heading down to start it up for the first hour curing and will cook some birds tomorrow. Thanks again and hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving and remember or troops, please, when you give thanks. Regards to all, CBear
the biggest difference i get is when i do 3 min cycle my temp no longer spikes up to 375. i think a 375 spike is way to high for smoke setting since i like to start out low and slow when first smoking and then increase my temps as i desire.
the nice thing is i got this advice when i posted a thread here and just like always got just the advice i needed from the members here Big Grin
ps. happy thanksgiving to all!!!!
Hopefully Eddie or one of the engineers will jump in, I'm still learning to trouble shoot as I haven't had problems with mine.

If it's overflowing, are the smoking or are they unburned pellets? If they're unburned, it could be the igniter didn't light or the auger is pushing too many too fast.

Just turn it on, not the smoke setting, but one above it, and see what the temp does. If smoke starts coming out, and the temp stabilizes, it's cool.

IF the fuel ignites, but your auger is running too fast, you'll see the temp shoot up into the 300's or 400's.

If it doesn't work today, call CS Customer Service tomorrow and they'll help right away.

I think all the FE's are out at competitions this weekend, but someone may jump in today.

I just turn mine on and there's no problem. I don't clear out the auger every time I shut it off. I suspect that the guys that are turning it on for 3 minutes and then shutting off and restarting are "auger clearers" so they need the extra time for the pellets to refill the auger. I've never had a problem with not clearing the auger. I don't know if humidity is a factor in needing to clear the auger - I live in the Mojave Desert and we have no humidity.
Maybe this is obvious to others but I want to confirm my understanding on how this burner thing works. It runs for about 4 minutes when I first turn it on then cycles off, correct. It does not turn on again unless I turn off the unit and turn it back on correct? So, from then on, the speed of the auger dictates the heat of the fire and it is then legal for KCBS competitions. Do I understand this correctly?

running my initial burn-in tonight, have a corned beef waiting in the wings for my maiden voyage.

My understanding, even though I am a newbie also, is that on the Smoke and 180 settings, the circuit board uses a fixed time cycle. For example, on Smoke, the augur feeds for one minute and then ceases for three minutes. At the end of the three minute cessation, the augur starts feeding pellets again for minute and then off for three. I don't remember the fixed cycle for the 180 setting.

For the remainder of the settings, the augur is based on the thermostat in the smoker. If the temp drops, the augur starts up and so on.

I hope someone will correct me on this if I am wrong.

Good luck.

thats my understanding also.
neat thing is this forum pointed that out to me and helped me thru my temp spike problem.
thing i love best about an fec is it seems everyone of them is like a different person and each one has it's own quirks which i really like
ps. tom you are right due to humidity here i always run my auger dry
According to the manual "Smoke setting on the thermostat will operate the oven at approximately 180* to 200*. (This setting provides fuel to the burner at the ratio of 15 seconds on and 55 seconds off.)"
With my FE, during the winter the smoke setting is at 130*. In the summer, the smoke setting jumps to 200*. Higher temps are always constant, winter or summer. My pit is out side all the time. (There is a roof over it.) I never empty the hopper. The rain and dampness have not affected it's performance. I have no problems starting up on the smoke setting, or starting at 325* or higher. It always ignites.

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