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Since I got my AmeriQue I’ve been telling everyone it is foolproof, but I just proved myself wrong.

I bought myself a nice 14.5 lb choice packer last week to smoke this weekend for my coworkers.

The plan was to rub it down when I got home Friday night and slip it in the smoker Saturday night when I got home.

Well I got home late Friday and forgot about it. Not really a problem, I woke up early Saturday morning and rubbed it down, put it back in the fridge, and got the AmeriQue ready to go. All I’d have to do when I got home would be to throw the packer in, hit the on button and park the AmeriQue outside the garage.

I went about my day as planned everything was going well. Throughout the day several friends asked what I was smoking this weekend and as they expected I told them how I was already slaving away with my smoker.

We ended the day at a dinner party so when we got home the last thing on my mind was more food. Heck I was almost in a food coma. When we arrive home I slid the truck in right past the primed and ready AmeriQue, sat down and visited with my kids for a half hour, and went to bed.

At 3:30 this morning I sat straight up in bed as I realized I just threw my schedule for the day off by about 6 hours. My saving grace is that the brisket isn’t going to be server until tomorrow noon when I go back to work.

My AmeriQue may be quite forgiving, but as I just found out there are some things even it can’t overlook.
Original Post
My Elite has the same problem. Was watching TV, fell asleep, shot up like you did, and went outside to 6 lbs of burnt almonds. They were overcooked before I fell asleep, but burnt beyond giving them to anyone. They were in the smoker for over 7 hrs, so I had a complete brain fart.

However, my wife's been enjoying them all to herself, so it wasn't a total loss. Big Grin She also likes her fries extra crispy and burnt kernels of popcorn.

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