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Hi, Dudes and Dudettes! Did you think (or wish) I had gone away? Not so lucky! My computer broke down and has been in the shop...and it couldn't have come at a worse time...because:

I'M DOING MY FIRST BUTT! Actually two butts. I am not afraid! I have the first BBQ of the year with friends on Easter. This year cabin fever must have gotten to a lot of folks, cuz they are coming out of the woodwork! Folks from all over the state are coming. I have been cooking for a week. EVERYTHING is homemade; from the buns for the pulled pork to the cream for the Salmon and Lobster Mousses. I'm puttin' on a spread, Folks.

Here's my boggle: So, after I pull the pork and drain off the fat, I am putting it in my very large crockpot for serve-yourself. I need a whiskey BBQ sauce to mix in. I know they are all over the web, but you folks are The BBQ Best. Also, am I right to understand ya use just enough to moisten the meat, so it's not all drippy?

Here's another Northern Boggle. Cole Slaw is a salad here, not a condiment. But! Ever since I have been on this forum, you folks have me totally hooked on cole slaw as a condiment. I will never eat it as a salad again! Fabulous on all kinds of sandwiches. Which brings me; I have had to change my cole slaw recipe and now do it a more creamy mayo-type thing. How do you all like yours cut to use on pulled pork? I know not chopped fine..right? Or, not big so long strands come out when you bite into the thing. You will not believe how difficult it will be to convince 27+ Alaskans to eat cole slaw on thier sandwiches. I am going to have to make a dramatic announcement! LOL! Also, I have another relish planned for the die-hards. I was sent some excellent imported Stilton, so I am mixing that with chopped Granny Smiths and red onion. Doesn't that sound killer w/pulled pork? I purposely made the buns smallish, so folks would try both.

Anyway, I'm cookin' like a banshee up here. Any recipes would be greatly appreciated...especially the BBQ sauce...before I drink all the bourbon! I also want it to age a few days. Always better that way.

Missed you all!

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Hi Andi!!

I need to get up and meet you! Anyone who snacks on smoked bone marrow and crackers with hot mustard....I just GOTTA meet!!!

OK, if you are going all out and serving pork, I suggest going "whole hog" and offering 3 different NOT mix anything in with the meat...if you need it to be kept moist, use some chicken broth or apple juice or a little vinegar. Otherwise..NO sauce on it.

Make your Bourbon sauce and then, to assure your guests get the FULL flavor of real southern pulled pork, serve a mustard sauce and also a vinegar sauce. I will offer up all these below. I also get real fancy and use a plastic squirt bottle with a label I make on the computer. The labels are usually very funny and if no kids present, a little off-color! Of course a spoon works just as well! LOL

Don't make too much of the vinegar, it will not go over real well. All due respect to my NC friends, but facts is facts...the vinegar sauce will be the least used....been there many times.

Then you need to become the leader and show the folks how to build a proper pulled pork sammich. Incredibly cheap bun, topped with pork, then sauced to your liking and finally some cole slaw on top.

Now, take it easy on the cole can be overpowering and they will not taste the sauce! As to the fineness of the cut for the cole slaw, I do mine pretty fine. I usually take a bag of pre-cut stuff and cut it even further. Any big chunks will have a strong flavor. I have not found anything to compare to Marzetti so I use that. I do have several slaw recipes..all of them creamy..including a couple of clones for Marzetti.

OK, NOW you have an authentic southern pulled pork BBQ feast!!

Good Luck!!


This is my personal favorite. It can be made very hot, just vary the cayenne.

Kevi's Miss Piggy Mustard Sauce

1 cup Mustard
1/2 cup Sugar
1/2 cup Cider vinegar
1/4 cup Brown sugar, light
2 tablespoons Chili powder
1 teaspoon Pepper
1 teaspoon White pepper
1 teaspoon Cayenne pepper
1 tablespoon Hot sauce
1 teaspoon Soy sauce, dark
2 tablespoons Butter

Combine all ingredients except soy sauce and butter. Add the vinegar last. Add to your desired thickness.

Simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove from heat and add butter and soy sauce.

Here is another mustard sauce that tends to be the "crowd" favorite. It is pretty sweet, but my kids have finally given up the McDonald's mustard sauce for this.

It is an adaptation of Danny Gaulden's mustard glaze.

Piggy Park BBQ Sauce

1/2 cup Yellow mustard
1/2 cup Honey
1/4 cup Brown sugar, light
1/4 cup Cider vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

Whisk together and simmer for about 5 minutes.

This one is from Grandpa Cheese(chief cook, The Heat is On cooking team) and is the best vinegar sauce I have tried. These vinegar sauces are all very similar.

Grandpa Cheese's Vinegar Sauce

1 cup Cider vinegar
1/8 cup Brown sugar, dark
1 tablespoon Sea salt
2 teaspoon(s) Red pepper, crushed
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne pepper

Combine all ingredients in a jar and shake till mixed.
I2! Pregars? Does that have something to do with sex? I'm too busy Qing, to do any doin'!!! LOL! Besides, these days I'm a sport model only...

OKAY, ALL! I realize the error of my ways on the BBQ Sauce. I guess I was hearkening back to my childhood in Juneau at the Governors Picnic every year was BBQ Pork Sammiches. Anyway, after I posted last night, I did a search and found out the Proper Pulled Pork! I get it now! All the recipes you guys gave are printed. My only hesitation is Alaskan Stubborness. If I say we are having a "real" Southern BBQ I might get beaned with a frozen Moose nugget! Northern Yankees don't take to Rebels too well. Started during Pipeline Daze, but that's another story...

What we are talking here is a bunch of Fishing Folks, or like we like to say, a bunch of boozers with a fishing problem! I either put up signs with directions on how to eat, or get on a box and make a blanket announcement! "This is a condiment! Not a salad!" This will be fun! I'm doing some pretty fancy stuff that folks around here have never seen, I guaranteeeee!

Okay, so I offer up a few sauces, and use one to just moisten the meat. I get it now! Of course I have to lay in a new supply of mustard, vinegar, and apple juice. What will this do to my Stilton/Apple Relish?

My Buns don't come cheap! LOL! I am making the buns from scratch. Already have two batches done: One plain white, and one fabulous Onion Rye. Three more batches today. The truth is, it is cheaper, albeit labor intensive, for me to make buns and other stuff than buy it here. The meat set me back over 50 bucks, and that's not counting I had to drive 250 miles round trip to find a big butt! Got a biggun and a mini-butt.

I'm glad you guys are helping me! I'm not worried about the Smokin' part; over the last year I have got butt drummed into my head from you all! HA! And, guess what? I have a digital now! A REALLY el cheapo sans flash, and I was just learning how to download and stuff when my computer went tits-up, but I will TRY to get some pics of the feast for you!

Question: How do I capture the meat juices w/o them being bitter from the smoke? Confused
Andi, you sound so busy, I'm getting tired! On slaw, here's my comment: Yes, it can be a condiment, but it can be both. Not either or, not even in the Deep South. We're liberal here. But, a good tart cole slaw happens to complement the pulled po'k purdy good. Them boys gonna lak it. Need some sweet iced tea, too, don't forget. And tell them boys no drilling on the Arctic Nat'l Wildlife Refuge. Cool
Hey,Andi and welcome to the Spring thaw. Wink

Don't worry about capturing all the meat juices as you cook.

When you pull the butts off- wrap them in a couple layers of plastic wrap,foil them and throw them in a warm cooler to stay warm.

Throw a 1/2 cup apple juice or some of Grandpa Cheese's sauce in before you wrap the butts individually.

I'm like Stogie in that a little Carolina sauce may go a long way at the table,but while you are pulling the pork-a sauce like Grandpa Cheese's is a good moistening agent and cuts excess fat.

No disrespect to the Carolina folks,but there is a LOT of the SOUTH that makes fine pork without having salad all over the sandwich to confuse whether you can cook pork or not.

Same with sauce,as Stogie,Smokin' and a bunch of others have mentioned "them Alaskans can probably figure out what tastes good" Big Grin
Gotcha 5X5, Tom! But, why do I have to use a cooler? Since I'm serving out of the crockpot, why not there?

Those pups are sitting in the fridge covered in CS Pork Rub, which I totally adore. Cloves of garlic throughout the meat, too.

And, I see you guys are advocating a tangy coleslaw. I would have thought creamy, as the pork already has a vinegar sauce on it. Hmmm, maybe my old recipe will be just fine then. I made some Corned Moose Sandwiches after St. Paddy's Day last week and just mixed leftover steamed cabbage with Best Foods, and it was to die for! I am hooked on cole slaw as a condiment.

Speaking of Spring thaw, the Gray Whales have started showing up! A sure sign of Spring, as is the little patch of dirt showing in our driveway. Lake Flanagan has appeared and Russ has to pump it out daily. The lake is a low spot in the driveway, where all the snow melt goes.

I2BBQ: The news is not too good for ANWR today...which bums me out. We need the jobs! Tom Daschle can kiss my rosy red...and the short punk wouldn't even have to bend over!!!!! LOLOLOL!

Oh...and what is UP with the "cheap buns" thing on the pulled pork? I read that everywhere! Where did that come from, and why? I made two batches of white buns, a batch of Onion Rye, and a really cool batch yesterday of tomato/chipotle/smoked salt buns with cumin seeds on top. The smell is divine! I made that one up and I think all of them will go great with pulled pork. I made them all small, so folks could try each one. Big Grin
"cheap buns"

Andi, your buns sound awesome, but I think the cheap-bun idea comes from the fact that it's all going to get pretty sloppy. The bun becomes a vehical to politely carry the pulled pork, dripping with sauce, from the table top to the mouth. Otherwise, your Alasakan backwoods compadres would be slurping right off the oilcloth. Good buns are lost in all the goop and burping. Cool
As a bread baker of the Highest Order, I can't tolerate bad bread! That Mrs. Wrights "Stuff" they sell that never goes moldy? El yucko!

My "Alaskan Backwoods friends"? And just what do we call you Southern Brackish Swampwater Folks? LOL! In Alaska, there ain't no such thing as backwoods. It's ALL woods! Well, except for the COASTAL PLAIN!!!!! Big Grin
Hi Andy-

Your Southern BBQ will be great if you follow some of the tips above.

I use a variation of the vinegar sauce called "Carolina Red" which is well received when served to Yankees. It has a little Ketsup in it, but still is a thin sauce that goes a long way.

As noted above, mustard sauces may be favored over the vinegar ones.

Maybe I missed it above, but I didn't see much about baked beans as a side-dish? I guess it is warm enough so you can open the windows a bit or open a door after your guests eat some of that with the PP sammiches.

Good to see you back on the "air".
Hi, Que! Missed you, too! AND! I must announce this loud and clear:


This is Alaska! There is snow everywhere! I just want authentic pulled pork.

And, Mr. Que, I woke up in the middle of the night last night thinking: That's what I'm missing! Beans! Yes, I will make some Whoopie Beer Beans for this feast. In fact, thank you for reminding me! Can't believe I forgot about Roasted Cob Corn w/Chili Lime Butter happening, and my famous Spud Salad. Grilled Apples and Onions with Maple. The rest of the thing is a zillion homemade treats. Smoked Salmon Tarts, Buffalo Style-Stuffed Eggs, Cherry Toms stuffed with Salmon Mousse, Lobster Tarts, Jalepenis Crackers, Parmesan Crackers, Bacon and Tomato Wafers, Hummus, Wild Baby `Schrooms pickled in oil, Mixed Vegetable Pickle, Curried Basamati Rice and Fig Empanadas, Spinach/Andouille/Boiled Egg and Cream Cheese Empanadas, Fish Boats w/Halibut Mousse. Ya think that's enough? Confused
Andi: I will go slightly "against the grain" in terms of the light saucing recommendations you're hearing: I like the idea of the crock pot, but then I would add a fair amount of vinegar sauce (about 2 cups for a good sized butt), to keep it good and moist. I find that the following does a great job of keeping the true pork flavor, but it's still tangy, without overpowering the pork (a "light" version of vinegar sauce, with a little ketchup). Then have the other sauces available to add on the sammies. Here's my version:

1.5 cups cider vinegar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon kosher salt
1-2 tablespoons red pepper (crushed)
dash of cayenne
2 cups water
1 cup ketchup
Well, hi, Big Daddy! Good to have a fellow Alaskan on here to help me fight these Rebels off! LOL! Moose Pass is a few miles north of Seward. Seward sucks, Moose Pass rules! It's basically just a "spot on the road".

I long for a Model 150. You can cold-smoke in it. I did about 80 cases of salmon in my Smokette last Summer.

I2! If I could score some Pocupine Livers, I sure would serve them up! Everyone who is coming loves them as much as me! I haven't seen any porkys in awhile. Soon it will be mating season, though, and you can hear them sparring. Ever hear a porcupine? High pitched, and very loud!

Woodburner: My roasts are 7 and 5 pounds. I have no idea how much pulled meat that will produce. They have a fair amount of fat on them. Really purty! Ya think two cups sauce will be enough? I wrote your sauce down. I like the way it sounds, especially with the water to tone down the vinegar.

The meat is entering the smoker at precisely 8:00A Alaska Standard Time today! Big Grin
Andy: When I do a 6-7 lb butt, I mix up that batch of sauce. Then I pour about 2+ cups of it into a pot with the pork... still have some left over to add later. For both butts, just double the recipe then you'll have more than enough. Yes, the water makes it great for holding the meat with heat, but not overpowering. Enjoy!
I DID IT! I DID IT! Pulled Pork in Smokette is the absolute BEST tasting pork I have EVER had! They were beautiful! I have never been so proud, Guys! It took 14 hours at 225 to reach 182. We were very tired at this point, so (I'm sorry, Smokin') I wrapped each one very tightly in H/D foil and left them in there for 8 more hours at 140. When I went to pull them, they practically pulled themselves! Russ and I almost ate one whole roast for breakfast! MAN, that's good! The "bark" was sensational, and the meat very juicy! I used Woodburners sauce in the crockpot. Folks went wild! I served the coleslaw, and just a small crock of BBQ sauce. Worked out perfect! The party was a wonderful time.

And, I took pictures to prove it! Only camera (cheap) will take 20 pics at a time in high resoultion, and 80 in low. Since it was a party, I chose low. All the damn pics look like squares! What the heck is the purpose of low rez if you can't see the pics? I have been trying to "clean" them up all morning. I don't know much about the software that came with it, and I can't seem to access my user manual for some reason. I am bummed, Friends, cuz I did my first Butts PERFECT!!!!! There are a lot of happy folks hooked on pulled pork now! Big Grin Big Grin
Glad to hear of the success. There are a lot of people that have never done butts before, butt Big Grin after doing them in CS...they always come out so good.

Did you happen to notice the two different types of meat...Mr. Brown and Mrs. White. definitely different tastes.


Thank you, Donna and Smokin'! I wish I could think of better words to describe the flavor of my Butts, but I can't without getting pornographic! LOL! I am now a Butt Girl! I have never had anything that good! And the cool part, I can have it anytime I want, cuz I made it! I am also totally proud that they turned out so perfect my first time out. I also forgot to mention I used 5 ounces of hickory.

One of the butts was bone in and the other was not. The difference was major! Mr. White was good, but Mr. Brown was sensational! I also have to say that these were labeled Pork Shoulder Blade Roast. Which one was, the bone looked like a blade, but the other was just a beautiful hunk o'fatty pork! In the end, though, I only had to remove maybe half a cup of fat from under the bark. If that much. Me and Russ snarfed that down. I was just so totally amazed at how well they pulled! Russ and I were like two kids in a candy store! We had leftovers last night, will again tonight, and...I stashed about a fourth of the boneless roast in the freezer, cuz I couldn't fit anymore in my big oval crockpot!

I wish to hell I would have left the camera on high resolution. I'm still working on it to see if I can make the ones I took clearer, and a friend is working on it,too.

So! Do I get my Butt Diploma from CSU? Big Grin
Thanks, Woodburner! I need all the help I can get from The Taskmaster General!

I loved your sauce! And, you are right, it did not overpower the pork at all. I ladled it over about every hour or so, while folks were grazing. Kept it moist while all that lid lifting was going on.

I am totally in LOVE with Pulled Pork! I can't say enough good stuff! Smokette may have made a lot of very fine Smoked Salmon, but she shines with Butt!

Can't wait to do a brisket now. Unfortunately, they are next to impossible to obtain up here. I know a place up in Anchorage called Mr. Prime Beef that may deliver down here! For beaucoup bucks, I might add... Roll Eyes
No, Andi, foil is Okay.

there I said it.

Acceptable uses:
1. TV rabbit ears.
2. Lining the CS.
3. Wrapping leftovers.

...but just not for me Wink

No really, I've mellowed out over the foil issue. I just hate to see people start their Q in foil instead of learning how to control the temp.

Your okay to use foil!

I only used foil to hold it, and it held great at 140 for like...9 hours! It was really late, and we were dog tired! It worked great! But, and you can ask Russ this, as we headed out there to do the foil, I actually said: Smokin' Okies gonna kill me! LOL! And, then I said, don't tell anyone I foiled! No kidding!

But alas, I cannot tell a lie, though I can BS with the best... Big Grin

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