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I went to w. world this morning and they had some excel packer briskets 1.68/lb. I found a 14.9 lb that had a good fat cap,pretty even deck, some flexablity and not bad marbling, not that I have ever paid that much attention to briskets. I always figured there was no way I could ever cook one, but I have a cs020 and that has given me an advantage. I feel like a child with a new toy.

I have it in the frig with monteral seasoning and a little turdinado sugar for rub. I will begin my new lessons on becoming a brisket cook and post my results later.
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Yes Sir Tom,
IMO every cs box should have that statement printed on every side. I promise that I will always keep good notes and practice as much as I can.

I started my lesson at 4;15pm yesterday. 5oz of hickory 14.9 lb packer that was select grade. I only decided on this because it looked like it could have been a choice. I have been checking the w. world out every time I have been there only to be disappointed.I have read for the last 2 weeks on briskets.

I started cs on 180* untill brisket was to 140*, I then put cs on 225* and went to bed. This morning brisket was up to 177* on probe that I had placed 2/3rds of they way in on the fat part of flat.
At 1;30pm today the probe said 189*. I decided to open door and try to poke little end to see what it would feel like. It was entering with a little resistance,the big area of flat had a tough spot that read 181*. I then placed probe there and closed door. I raised cs to 250*, 3 1/2 hrs later the probe read 193* . I opened door tryed poke test was really happy and the probe read anywhere from 193*-197*.
I split point from flat and probed point and put in cs.
I let tender in cooler 2 1/2 hrs opened foil loosely for 45 minutes, cut across the grain. It was to good to be true.

I would like to say thanks to everyone that made this smoke possible!!!!

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