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I've been using this for a few months now, so I though I would post a review.

This temp unit comes in a package that reminds me of the old ipods. It's charged via the USB port.

You can set this unit up via the app on your phone or ipad to connect to your wifi access point and provide you with temps wherever you go. This requires a gmail account. Alternatively, you can set it up as a independent wireless access point that you connect to with the app. The sample time can be configured from the app. Alarms can be set on each sensor in the app to let you know when food has become too hot or too cold. Some presets are available based on what meat you are cooking. There are also ways to record these readings over time for future use. I have not experimented with recording yet. With the sample time set to 5 minutes using the remote ap mode, I have not had any battery life problems with 14 + hour cooks. Accuracy seems comparable to my chefalarm.

At $115, I feel like its been worth the purchase. It's always nice to be able to tear yourself away from the smoker and still know how things are going.
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