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Ok, I got pics of my first pulled pork, which turned out wonderful, however, it had a LOT of bark..with no additives or charcoal.

Also, after two different smokings of ribs, they also came out with a lot of on the outside. Could they be burnt? They cooked at 225 for 5 hours.

I have noticed that the cooker is convenient, but the q isnt quite the same as when I used a conventional smoker..

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Email the photo to me, my email address is in my profile.

First question, what kind of rub are you using? Ribs won't turn black or too much bark on their own in 5 hours unless your rub has something in it to burn.

But can't tell.

Tell me what rub you applied and when you applied it (how long did it sit on the ribs?)

Agree with Zeb here. I am always looking for more bark on my ribs. The CS makes Q so moist, some actually finish their ribs on a grill to tighten up the bark. I would also agree that either you've got too much sugar in your rub (causing it to burn or get crusty) or maybe you just over cooked them. Also, remember that opening the door alows moisture to escape which could cause a drier, crustier bark. Either way, don't be discouraged. With practice and patience you'll find the right combo for you tastebuds Big Grin Keep on trying!

The looks a little blacker than my bark, so it's probably sugar in the rub. Check the list of ingredients on the rub. I'm sure there is sugar in it.

And I wouldn't rub the butt so long, overnight is enough.

Try a different rub and see what happens. I don't think it's the smoker.
If you post pictures, don't go wider than 800x600 so the photo doesn't get huge to download.


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