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Hi i am smokeyone a 51 yr old kid w/ wife, kids,& grandkids. i love the Lord because He first loved me and has blessed me in so many ways
i have had charcoal bullet, gas bullet, and a Good One charcoal both charcoal models did a good job but basicly i don't like being tied down to the smoker i would rather be fishing , hunting, riding my cruiser walking around the sporting good stores, sleeping, ect. so last weekend i bought a 50 at cabela's did my secound smoke (chicken ) yeasterday for Mom's birthday party this thing works great
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Sorry about the late response. I was sitting on the beach for a week.

I think I want an electric heated wood smoke model. Ease of use is very important to me. Although, I definitely want to cold smoke.

The main purpose of the smoker will be to smoke bacon, sausage, hams, etc. So, it will not be an issue of how many people I'm cooking for.

Price is always an issue. I have plenty of money but I am very conservative when it comes to spending money on hobbies.

Assuming the SM009 does what I'm looking for I would most likely start there- unless I am convinced I should go a different direction.
Way to go TomC! Congratulations to you on a very wise purchase! Welcome to the forum! You wil find lots of info here and will not regret your choice. You pretty much have the same setup as me. I also have the chili-grill and ribhooks. If your indoor oven has one of those enamel coated broiler pans, it will slide nicely between the Smokette and the cart and it is heavy enough to stay, barring a 'nader or such, which I doubt you will have there.
Hi, I am Loyd from Washington NC living on a sailboat and just started smoking. I have used my Weber gas grill a lot and several pig pickins in the traditional NC way down east. My Amerique arrived in early August. It has to be one of the best purchases I have ever made. It is sure to make new friends at the marina here. Thanks to all in the forum and SmokinOkie!
Hi I'm Jim from Weymouth, MA. I got hooked on real BBQ in the late 60's or early 70s. Interstate 95 wasn't complete and went through Fayetteville NC. There was a small white building that made the best pulled pork. From there we stopped at every Stuckies on the way to and from Key West.

I've been smoking for close to 30 years now and just ordered a CS 55 today. I'm getting to old to be burning sticks.

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