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Hi - I just stumbled upon your website this evening. What a thrill! I've been making jerky for the past nine years using a....<cough>...dehydrator. s'always been tasty and my collegues always clamor for it.

My question is: for a guy used to his run-of-the-mill soy sauce, black pepper, brown sugar etc. recipe -- is it worth trying the 'Hi Mountain' mixes I've seen mentioned? They look kind of pricey. =\

Austin, TX
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If you have a good method and recipe, why change it?

To me, the Hi Mountain is worth the price for each kit because of premixed simplicity and convenience of just running up the road a mile and buying it off the shelf. If I had to buy it off the internet and pay shipping each time, I would probably mix my own cure and seasoning.

Welcome to the forum!

[QUOTE]Originally posted by GLH:
If you have a good method and recipe, why change it?

Exactly. The only thing hi-mountain offers that you did not include are sodium nitrates. Scary chemical word, but just an artificial preservative. You filled your marinade up with sodium chloride. Another scary chemical word, but one that we call 'salt', which makes it natural and not scary.

If you want to store your product more than six weeks, look into the store bought cures. Otherwise, salt, vinegar, and drying are all that you need to concentrate flavors and preserve the meat without refrigeration.

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