Seeing the post from Barbquer tends to say that some newbies may have absolutely no idea just how good the CS smoker really is.
Brisket is a b!tch to smoke on most any other pit. People have fought briskets for years and still say they haven't cooked one with which they're totally satisfied.
It took us several tries on an offset to get nice results on a brisket. And, by that time, we'd quit using a thermometer to tell when the brisket was ready.
So far, we've cooked brisket twice in the CS; once with 2 packer cuts and once with 4 flats. About 195 internal worked well in both cases and the CS nailed the packer cuts (which finished at different times) at 195.
However, we'd still use a fork and not trust the thermometers to tell us when it's done.
This holds true for most any meat we cook.
For those here who haven't cooked brisket, go to and ask about smoking them. When you tell them you can get them at least "very good" the first time out on a CS, you are going to be laughed off the news group. But, you will be correct.
Regards, Mike
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