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Maybe Cookshack can make us one of these. I would hate to have a ST dryer on top of my Cookshack. Of course I could grind the name off it. I wonder if moving air through the smoker would cause the wood to catch fire. Seems like a good idea though. Beats opening the door every few hours.
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Listen to GLH..he knows his Q. There is no need to open the door, trust the smoker! I have done a lot of jerky, GLH style and it always comes out great. Warm up the Cookshack for about 15-30 minutes, put in your jerky, set it at 180*-185* and leave ghe door closed for 3 hours or so. Take it out and let it dry between some paper towels to get all the moisture out. The jerky will be great!
I've ben eyeballing that thing for quite a while, I don't think it will start a fire. at least not a big one. but I do think it might help with the drying process. I also wonder if it ( man I hate to bring it up ) wouldent work like jigs moified flu and crisp up the chicken skin? aah What do ya all think?

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